"Thank you Sakura-chan!" He grinned before going back to making his castle.

Itachi blinked, it seemed that the green eyed girl was also quite creative.

After about ten more minutes of playing Sasuke said he needed the toilet so Itachi took him over to the nearest vacant washroom, leaving Sakura to her own devices. The girl continued to make things out of the sand, she made a kunai and a butterfly before getting bored.

She stood up and stretched before looking around the playground. She wasn't sure what to do but she supposed she should probably do something.

'Why don't we just walk around instead of just awkwardly standing still? Cha!' Sakura huffed at her other half's comment.

'Fine.' The emerald eyed four year old wandered around, subtly observing the other children in the park.

She was so busy watching a light blue haired boy run away from his friend that she completely missed the three people in front of her. She bumped into one of them and fell onto the floor. She looked up at the person she had bumped into and was about to apologise when the person shouted at her.

"Hey! Watch where you're going you idiot!" The person's voice was high and whiney suiting it's owner. The person was a girl who looked to be around Sakura's age. She had brown hair and blue eyes, her fringe was longer on one side then the other and her tanned skin shined in the afternoon light. Her hair was done up in a side pony tail and the girl was wearing a dark red, short-sleeved jumper that had a white heart on the front of it. The brunette was also wearing a dark skirt and black ninja sandals.

"I-I'm sorry.." The pinkette said softly as she stood up, dusting off her skirt. The girl in front of her rolled her eyes rudely before pushing the pinkette back onto the ground.

"You should just stay there, it's where you belong after all!" The two girls behind her snickered.

'Why this girl- I ought to-'

'Inner, calm down. They are citizens of Konoha we can't harm them.'

'Well we can still stand up for ourselves! Cha!'

"Why are you so quiet huh? Are you going to cry?" The blue eyed girl taunted. Sakura bit her lip, trying to block out the girl's harsh words. She had heard all this before, it wasn't anything new but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

"Aww, is she going to cry?" A blonde haired girl with pink eyes said. She was wearing a dungaree dress with a white, short sleeved shirt on underneath. Her long hair was down and flowed behind her.

"Haha, what a crybaby!" The third girl laughed. She had dark skin and brown hair and eyes. Her hair brushed her shoulders and her bangs were styled to the side. She sported a green, short sleeved shirt with a black skirt and black ninja sandals.

'Tch, these insults aren't even good, cha!' Sakura sighed mentally.

'How about you make yourself useful and explain to me who they are?'

'It would be my pleasure, cha! The blue eyed girl is called Yua Son, the pink eyed girl is Kiara Ohara and the brown eyed girl is Kokoro Fuji. Kiara is five years old and the other two are four. If you need any dirt on them feel free to ask, cha!'

"Hey listen to us when we're talking to you- you loser!" Yua screamed. Sakura blinked and looked at the girl, her face innocent and blank. The brunette seemed angered by her lack of reaction and stomped her feet childishly. "Why are you looking at me like that? You do realise it makes you look even uglier right?'

Her insults got no reaction out of the pinkette.

"You're so odd! Why's your hair pink you freak!" Kokoro cried as she walked up to Sakura and grabbed the emerald eyed girl's hair. She yanked on it, causing Sakura to bite her lip in hopes of ignoring the abuse her hair and scalp were going through. The pinkette closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut out the outside world.

Sakura Haruno (Child Prodigy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ