blind date | jordan poole

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"if you do this for me i swear i won't ask for anything else!" jayla exclaimed.

"why is this so important to you? trust me, i don't need a boyfriend." mya argued as she walked into her kitchen.

currently, jayla, mya's best friend, was trying get mya to go on a blind date.

"i beg to differ. you only leave the house to go to the store or to hangout with me. i know you get lonely in here." jayla sighed, leaning against the counter.

"okay so i may be a little lonely...but i don't need a man. i can just get a dog or something." mya shrugged, realizing how sad her life was.

"no. you're going on this date. and if it goes well, you owe me." she insisted, pointing at the girl.

"how do we know this man isn't a murderer? or a predator? i don't trust this at all." she stalled, trying to get out of the date.

"trust me. i know he's not a murderer or a predator. i don't think michael would be friends with him if he was." jayla explained, referring to her boyfriend.

"but he wouldn't know. murderers aren't open about their murders jayla." mya raised a brow at her friend.

"mya just trust me on this one." jayla begged, grabbing her hands.

"fine! what time is this date?" mya sat up, walking to her bedroom.

"yes! it's in two hours." jayla followed behind the girl.

"and what's this guy like?" mya shuffled through her closet, trying to find an outfit.

"he's 6'4, lightskin, very funny. you're gonna like him." she gave small details, not wanting to spoil the date.

"if you say so." she sighed, throwing an outfit on her bed.

it was a white cropped tank top, a blue button-up, blue jeans and "kentucky" nike dunk lows.

"what do we think?" she stood in the mirror, posing.

"it's cute! ouu i'm excited!" jayla clapped her hands together, making mya laugh.

she continued getting ready by doing her hair and makeup, going for a slick back bun and light makeup.


"and if does turn out to be a murderer, even though i know his isn't, just call me and i'll come save you." jayla briefed mya before dropping her off.

"okay. and you better answer your phone too!" mya warned the girl as she got out of the car.

"i will. have fun!" she waved before driving off.

"okay. we're doing this." mya prepped herself, taking a deep breath as she walked into the restaurant.

she tried to scan the room for a 6'4" lightskin, not having much luck surprisingly.

jordan noticed her looking around and waved her over, getting her attention.

"no way." she internally fangirled as she walked towards the man.

"amya right?" he asked, smiling widely.

"yeah but you can call me mya. you're jordan poole." she spoke honestly, making him laugh.

"yeah. do you wanna sit down?" he gestured towards their seats as she nodded.

they both sat down across from each other, their nerves taking over.

"i don't wanna over step my bounds here but can i ask why you of all people decided to go on a blind date?" mya questioned, pursing her lips together.

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