14. The letter

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Aakanksha helped me wearing a dress. I was silent all along. Not knowing what to do, what to say. Like a mannequin, getting dressed up.

I really hoped that all that was going on wasn't true. But somewhere I was proud. And guilty too.

I wanted to escape. I'll escape.

"It was not your fault. Do. Not . Ever. Blame yourself for his death. He deserved it." She said after dressing me up.

I shook my head. I'll not blame myself for his death. That bastard was destined to die. If only I knew he went to hell after death. I would have sighed of relief.

"Can I get an i-pill? I was bitten by a mad dog." I asked the nurse who was dressing up my wounds. My voice probably lacked every human emotion.

Aakanksha made me turn forcefully to look into her eyes. Various emotions swirling into her eyes.

"It's inevitable to be bitten. I was scratched. I was 7 probably. Times I don't know. Joon knows everything about me but not this. And I'm not going to tell him as well. It's not that I don't trust that he'll accept me. But I'm afraid he'll feel guilty that he wasn't able to help when he wasn't even there."

Her eyes trickled down few drops.

"Even imagining how Jimin would've felt is painful. Don't ever disrespect yourself Abhilasha, never. Just because you've been bitten doesn't mean you can't heal. We have injections for rabies. It takes time but it save lives."

She was like a sister when she embraced me into a hug. It was warm. To let my all emotions flow.

"Will you help me?" I asked.

"Definitely. " She smiled. "But you leaving Jimin hyung will do no good except making him fell into more deeper into the pit of darkness. He loves you. And he needs you."


I was sitting at the edge of the bed. Jimin still lying unconscious beside me. Unconsciously I was staring at him. Judging how cute can a person be. He was just like an angel.

An angel who didn't deserve someone tainted like me. He must have been devastated seeing me getting forced by that man.

I feel disgusted to the core. I was angry. I was loathing him. I still loathe him. I still loathe that dead man lying on the floor covered with blood.

If only I took the courage to kill him like I did earlier,  if only I hit him on his head mercilessly earlier with that metal rod he used to pull Jimin up.

Atleast, atleast I would have saved my purity. Saved myself getting raped in front of the man I just confessed to.

I know that would have resulted to same punishments by the law yet I would've atleast saved something.

I would've saved Jimin being living with the trauma and blaming himself the whole life. I know it's inevitable. But I want him to be happy.

The Angel's Hug ||💛PJM💛|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now