19. Calculation

46 6 3


- Aarav's 12 now.

- yea?

I asked as I didn't know where that was suddenly coming from.

- Aarav's 12. You're 37. I'm 32.

- Are you saying that I'm old?

- No, you're young. Very.

She mumbled the later part blushing. And I smirked.

- So what's the problem?

I said as I stood up and left the living room. Joining her in the kitchen while hugging her from the back.

- The problem is... we need a room.

- Why? I'll sleep on the couch if I did something. Yes? Baby please don't punish me by sending me to another room.

- Idiot! I'm pregnant.

- Oh! You're pregnant. I was just concerned. You're just pregnant. You're.... you're what? YOU'RE PREGNANT.

I took her up and made a swirl squealing happiness. I was going to be a dad.

I kept her down and rushed towards the living room to get my phone.

- Yo! JK. I'm pregnant.  I mean Abhilasha is. But whatever. I am going to be a dad before you, so you better respect me.

- Yo! Soulmate. You're gonna be an uncle.

I shouted on the top of my lungs.

I was about to dial others but then Abhilasha stopped me.

- I heard Aakanksha fainted and she's pregnant. You must go there. I am feeling tired.

- As you wish, my lady.

And then I started the car to leave towards their home.

And there I revealed about us being pregnant and getting Taehyung as the Godfather of my child.


Thanks to
lilmeow112 and aoikenki
For the support.

It's about the time of epilogue followed by a big announcement...



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