25: Tickles

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They sat still for a moment, foreheads leaned against each other, silver eyes peering into blues, both of them breathing in the scent of the other, taking in the warmth of the other's body touching the other. There was no rush between them, she hasn't even dropped her transformation yet, taking advantage of her heightened senses to be all the more aware of him, her sense of smell far stronger as Ladybug than Marinette.

She was the first move, nuzzling him, her smile growing, lips brushing against his.

Felix closed his eyes, following her lead, near shy and cautious as they explored this new step in their partnership, leisurely enjoying the soft, warm, slow kiss they shared, testing out what they liked, listening for what brought a sigh or a pleased hum.

Ladybug's hands came to rest at his side, slowly moving up along his frame.

He tensed when she neared his stomach, and she paused, waiting.

He relaxed, and she moved on, unable to help coyly sliding a hand across from him, making him twitch, and sucking a sharp breath.

A move Ladybug found she liked hearing from him.

But she slid up, running her hands over his shoulders, fingers coming to trace his neck, rubbing at the base of his neck, curling and playing with the thick strands that hung over his neck.

Felix shuddered, leaning back, leaning into the pet, arching his neck for her. Ladybug pressed a kiss to the pale skin bared for her, feeling his heartbeat tickle against her lips. She made a pleased hum, that set Felix off, his hands that came to lightly hold her tightened their grip on her sides.

And unwittingly found a ticklish spot.

Ladybug released a loud squeal, toppling off Felix in a fit of giggles, leaving a befuddled blond, blinking at the lack of attention he was getting.

Felix sat up, turning to the giggling hero, watching her transformation drop in a flash of pink.

"You're ticklish," he stated dully as Tikki rose up and darted away, giggling at the two.

"Don't," Marinette gasped, "don't tell Alya."

He hummed at that, laying down across from her, watching her catch her breath. "I wouldn't worry," he reassured, "I like the idea of keeping that my secret." He flashed her a rare smirk.

Marinette gave his belly a poke and he jerked away with a slight hiss.

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