7 : Bored

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Boredom was a dangerous thing.

When bored, the bored will wander for something to do. And that was not always best. Marinette learned this the hard way, or more specifically, remembered this the hard way.

Like getting saddled with babysitting Alya's two little sisters while Alya snuck off on a date with Nino.

That was fun.

And many regrets were made.

Eve when bored, Marinette would not babysit the two... little angels again, not without Alya.

So today, with a fierce art block accompanying her, she went to the park to look for some inspiration. Or something to do.

Only something to do found her.

She just stopped before the carousel to peer at it and jumped when a hand grabbed her shoulder and whipped her around to face a beaming photographer.

"Sei perfetto!" the photographer proclaimed.

She blinked at him. "What?"

Grabbing her, he dragged her along and shoved her into a chest, hands coming in to steady her. Blinking rapidly, she looked up to see an equally baffled Felix staring down at her.

"What's going-"

She was cut off by the excited photographer. "Embrace like lovers long separated! I want tight holds, longing looks, just hints of blush, and fond looks!"

"I pissed off the other model," Felix answered, shooting the photographer a tired look. "If you don't want to do this-"

"It's fine," she reassured, hooking her arms around his neck, making him jump. "Got nothing better to do."

Felix pursed his lips, and loosely wrapped his arms around her waist, cringing when the photographer called, "That's a little too much blush Felix, tone it down."

Marinette snickered, and brought her hands down to rest on his shoulders, suspecting that'd be more comfortable.

Felix huffed, "Silence."

She just snickered again, sliding her hands down and wrapping him up in a hug as the photographer called for an embrace, closing her eyes and enjoying the hug Felix returned, easily ignoring the rapid clicks of the camera going around them.

Not what she had in mind to satisfy her boredom, but it'll definitely do.

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