16: Stubborn

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"You're an idiot," Felix stated.

Ladybug glared at him, but the blond didn't care, far too irked right now to consider his partner's personal feelings, eyes locked on her hand rubbing her wrist.

At this moment, she was an idiot. One that got hurt because she stupidly shoved him out of the way, and let her wrist take that blow. Her right wrist. Her dominant wrist.

She was now limited to a clumsier left hand, with an akuma on their tail, with his bag and Plagg separated from his side.

And this could've been avoided if she just let things be.

Miraculous Ladybug would've fixed him up, mindful, he wouldn't have liked getting hurt, but logically, Ladybug can fix everything.

All damage done.

All order restored.

But now she has a hurt wrist that can buffer that success.

And his partner was set to guard him, keeping him from finding his bag, from getting Plagg, and running out as Chat to help.

And his no good kwami was probably just taking the chance to snack away on his cheese.

"I'm the idiot?" Ladybug growled, shooting him a furious look.

Felix moved to shoot out that, yes, she was, for she got hurt but Ladybug cut him off.

"I"m not the one who made the akuma."

He huffed and looked away, unable to deny that yes, this was his fault.

He suppose he could've been gentler in handling the female model, but she was really getting on his nerves with how she kept getting in his space, clutching his arm, pulling him about, and if Chloe wasn't going to get away with it, this random model wasn't either.

He was justified in telling her to stop.

If anything, he'll stand that she's at fault for this.

No reasonable person should be expected to tolerate


Yes, he can grudgingly acknowledge he could've been gentler.

But his patience can only go so far.

He echoed this to Ladybug, stubbornly crossing his arms.

She in turn rolled her eyes and sighed.

She agreed, he did have that right. Especially if he was uncomfortable.

Though she was there when he snapped the model, there to help with the clothes as they needed.

She heard what he said and he definitely didn't need to take it that far.

Both gave a start when the was a cackle, the akuma drawing near, calling out for Felix.

He grunted when he was grabbed, Ladybug hauling him off into a random room and shoving him in there. "Stay," she ordered, then closed the door on him.

With a grimace, Felix sat still for a moment, waiting just a few minutes, then got up and peeked out.

Coast was clear.

He hurried out, rushing to where his bag was, popping it open to see his lazy kwami flopping back to sleep, surrounded by cheese crumbs.

"P lagg g!^ prime prime Felix growled.

Plagg cracked one eye open. "Oh hey," he greeted, "here to finally join the party?"

"Claws out!"

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