22: Cold

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Locked on her drawing, Marinette didn't think much of the larger body coming to sit next to her, assuming that it was Alya. She liked to sometimes plop down beside her, see what she was doing, talk to her about Ladybug, or Nino.

And when that body leaned on Marinette, she didn't think much of it either. Alya sometimes liked to simply lean on Marinette.

What did give Marinette a start was the shiver she felt.

Then realized that wasn't Alya's shoulder pressed against her.

This shoulder was slim and bony, now round like Alya's.

And the head on hers was nearly laying on hers, using

the top of her head.

Alya was not tall enough to flop her whole head on Marinette's.

Slowly, carefully, Marinette turned, blinking when she saw Felix flopped on her, his face a little pinched up, cheeks a bit pink.

"Hi Felix?" she uttered slowly.

He squinted out, blinking slowly, then just closed his eyes, grimacing slightly.

Marinette gave a start, a little alarmed.

Was he ok?

Cause usually Felix avoided physical contact as best to his ability.

It's to a point that this odd behavior brought suspicion that an akuma could be at work.

But as Marinette reached up, touching his forehead, fingers sliding past pale bangs, she blinked the temperature she felt.

He felt warm.

Warmer than he should be.

Felix was a little sick.

A cuddly sick by how he nuzzled the top of her head.

Reaching around him, ignoring his displeased growls, she pulled out his cell from his pocket, sending a text to Nathalie, alerting her of the sick blond.

With luck, it's grump will recover in a few days.

Satisfied, she went back to her drawing, not minding the weight of the blond and waiting for the Gorilla to arrive to escort Felix home.

She unintentionally baffled said blond a few days later when he was sensible enough to learn Marinette helped him home.

Much to Nathalie's slight amusement, the fact left the blond a slight, blushing mess.

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