23: Don't tell me what to do

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Almost... just a little more, it was almost done, she just needed to get this button sewed in, and then the next and the... she was almost there.

She was so close.

Marinette squinted, eyes heavy and blinking as she glared down at her latest project, her clock nearing two in the morning, not that Marinette noticed, completely locked on this.

She was so close.

It was almost done.

Just a little more, she'll get it done, and then go to bed, and

Marinette jumped when her cell went off, making her button go flying with her start.

Marinette stared after it, emitting some sort of exhausted whine as she stared at the button on the floor, her cell still ringing.

Now she had to redo that!

Lip trembling in a tired pout, she turned and shot her cell a glare, watching it glow and buzz, his name bright on the screen. With a huff, she plucked up the cell and answered it, snapping, "What?"

He didn't answer at her first, and Marinette ran a hand over her face, miffed. Just as she was about to hang up, he spoke.

His voice a solid, cranky order. "Go to bed."

"I was getting there," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I'm close to being done."

"Go to bed," he repeated.

She huffed, "Don't tell me what to do!"

"If you don't go to bed right now-"

Marinette cut of the call, childishly mocking it, "Hah, hah." Then she tossed her cell to the chaise, picked up the button, and moved to finish this. Felix won't stop her now. Sleep won't stop her now.

Besides, she doesn't need sleep.

She was Ladybug.

She could do anything.

She could get this done without sleep and...

Marinette paused, frowning and staring down at her project, confused. The stitching wasn't supposed to go that way...

Her cell went off again, the annoyed blond trying to reach her and tell her what to do but Marinette ignored him, set to wrap them up. She didn't even notice the cell going quiet after the third ring.

She finally got that button done just right when her window burst open, and there was a really cranky Chat Noir glaring at her, his ears flat on his head. She stared at him with wide eyes, surprised.

She did not expect him to come here.

Chat raised his claws, stating with a growl, "You're going to bed, Ladybug."

She pointed to him, insisting, "You can't tell me what to do!"

Chat charged and Marinette scooted her seat back, intent to avoid the cat cause she didn't need sleep, she needed to get this done and she was so close!

But Chat was an equally stubborn cat, pursuing after her.

By morning, when Tikki woke with a yawn, she was surprised and confused to find Marinette and Chat Noir passed out in a strange heap on Marientte's chaise, a pillow on Chat's face, Chat's legs slung over the chaise and Marinette's back, the girl in question having her arm hanging off the side, with the end of Chat's tail hanging over her bangs.

Tikki tilted her head, brow furrowing.

What happened last night?

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