3: Cuddles

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It was easy to tell when Felix was tired. There'd just be this... shift. A little change in his posture, how he holds himself, how he peers out, how he walks, and his touches. A tired Felix was one that didn't mind to be close.

Well, with certain people.

It was actually how Marinette knows that something was up, or he was just tired.

He would just come up beside her and lean on her. His side would press against her, or he would rest his head on top of hers.

She's long discovered, especially as Ladybug, that these times, it was best to just be.

Let Felix lean on her, let him hold her, just wait it. Offer the support. She leans back on him. She reaches up and plays with his hair. Rubs the back of his neck. Let him pull her down onto a couch or bed, and just lay there, perhaps nap, just rest, maybe she'll sketch while he lays down and rest against her.

She could be the same too.

Only a lot more forceful than him.

Where Felix comes with the lightest touch and pulls, she comes at full force, sometimes nearly knocking him over from her sudden touch or hugs and flops, some more bordering tackles instead of hugs, especially when she was a lot more upset.

She can come with tackling hugs, just wrapping her arms around his middle or his arm, or just lean back on him, or settle herself in his lap.

Thankfully, Felix can pretty solid, and with his hearing sharp, he can hear her coming before she reaches him and can brace for her, let her embrace him.

Sometimes he gave her a pat, sometimes a hug back, and sometimes just stood still, letting her hold him and relax.

It was to a point that Alya called them cuddle monsters.

They could not help but head for the other and just

touch and hug and lean on each other, especially when

they were tired or just needed the physical comfort

and warmth of their partner.

Perhaps they were cuddle monsters.

Marinette was fine with that though.

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