2: Sway

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She always had to be in motion. He's noticed it a lot when they're together. Ladybug has to always move, always has to have some sort of activity going on.

And being a cat, Chat Noir can't help but notice each twitch, rock, or spaz.

When she talks or plans, she unconsciously dances. Her arms jerk and rise with wild turns, she darts and paces around, her feet stamping and carrying her about.

It makes it really baffling to Chat when Ladybug insists that she can't dance, that she's the clumsiest person in all of Paris. And yet she dances about all the time.

Even now, them relaxing on a roof, her body was moving to an unknown beat. With her sky blue eyes looking over Paris, the blue of her eyes swirling with hidden thoughts and feeling out possible plans, she moved in an unconscious sway, a little lull of hips, her gloved hands cradling her elbows, fingers twitching to move, to rise, and shape something only she can see.

A little bored, a little curious, Chat watched her move, watched her mentally plan. He wondered what she was thinking of. She did tell him that she was very creative, she loved making stuff. When she was bored, she liked to ponder possible ideas, enjoy her imagination and picture these splendors. Splendors he doesn't doubt she tries to bring to life back home.

And Chat discovered, when she was excited or pleased with where her thoughts were going, her arms sped and her legs shuffled in place.

A little excited butt wiggle.

She was doing an excited butt wiggle right now.

The snort came out before Chat could stop it.

Ladybug snapped out of her muse, back going stiff and straight. She slowly turned to him, blue eyes wide and curious.

Chat's silver eyes met her stare, lips pursed as he tried to stop the tempting urge to smile, even more so as the scene of her butt wiggle replayed in his mind.

"What was that?" Ladybug asked him, cheeks flushing red, nearly matching her mask.

"Nothing," Chat uttered as calmly as he could, but his lips just kept curling up, trying to smile. His tail unfortunately echoed him, curling about and swishing.

Ladybug pursed her lips as she eyed him, well aware that her partner was amused by something and just wasn't sharing.

But knowing Chat, if he didn't want to share it, he wasn't going too.

She could ask as much as she wanted, he would keep his lips sealed.

She also learned from Alya that any push for an answer just irritated the cat and brought a hiss from him.

Shrugging it off, she turned back to the city, delving back into her mental plan. Now what should she do with

Chat's voice rose out, startling Ladybug.

"You know, I'm thinking we might have the wrong miraculous ." He held up his ring, silver eyes locked on the dark jewelry piece. "You seem to have the butt wiggle for the cat."

Ladybug sputtered, flushing at the jab, jab her cat has made a jab what was going on, and cried, " CHAT!^ prime prime

All she got was a rare chuckle from the pale blond, silver eyes gleaming in amusement.

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