14:Close space

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The air was tense and heavy between them, both stuck occupants staring at the wall dully, impatiently waiting for a rescue.

At least, Ladybug had a certain rescue in mind.

She was waiting for Chat, her trusted partner, someone she had the highest expectations for, someone she trusted would come to help and save


Only he was here.

Her partner.

Her Chat Noir.

Equally stuck, with his hands tied, unwilling to reveal himself.

Something Ladybug was unaware of, moving to try and call him on her yo-yo every few minutes, making Plagg shift and squirm in his pocket at every try.

Felix leaned back against the wall, sparing Ladybug a slight glance, watching her purse her lips, brow furrowed, a mix of concern and frustration on her expression.

It was strange, Felix decided.

It was strange to have her so near, and yet she kept such a distance.

The Ladybug he worked with was touchy.

She had to always be in touch, always leaned on him, always had to be in his space. That's how she functioned, it's how she showed her silent promise that she adored him, that she trusted him, that he was someone important enough that she was comfortable to be in touch with him.

And she was chatty.

She could be so chatty sometimes.

Sometimes she verbally stumbled around Chat, but otherwise, always had something to say, some thought to share.

And she was animated, always moving in some way, always doing something.

But this Ladybug, this was a different Ladybug.

She was quiet and still, and sat as far away from him as she could.

He was a little bothered, a little put off.

His chatty, affectionate, and animated partner was so... cold with him.

He was so used to seeing her so lively, have her so close to him.

This, this was odd.

It felt wrong.

Ladybug sighed loudly, standing up, setting her hands on her hips, shoulders hunched up, clutching her yo-yo tightly. Turning to Felix, she offered him a small smile, a polite smile. "I'll get us out of here," she reassured.

He gave a silent nod, curious to see what his partner will do.

She looked around the elevator, eyes lingering on the roof. With a jump, she pushed at the trapdoor, making it jolt and groan, opening a crack. She jostled the elevator when she dropped down, making Felix tense.

"One more," she murmured, leaping at the door and punching it.

The lid popped open and she grabbed the roof, pulling herself up.

Felix rose up, jumping back when she dropped back down, legs hooked over the rim. She stretched her arms out to him, waving him close.

He answered her beckons and allowed the formal hero to spirit him out of the elevator, getting him to a solid floor.

She sharply withdrew from him, looking out and listening for the akuma.

"Stay safe," she bid, rushing off, leaving the pale blond alone.

He peered after her, unsure and put off by the distance.

Plagg peeked out, teasing, "Bothered lover boy?"

He shot the kwami an unamused look. "There's nothing romantic between me and Ladybug," he corrected for what felt like the tenth time.

It was a sound lesson his father taught him.

Never mix business and pleasure, especially when the

pleasure was personal. Felix and Ladybug both agreed

for the best of their partnership, they shouldn't

become more.

Being a hero was a duty, a job.

They shouldn't have feelings get in the way of that, especially since they could be a distraction.

Besides, Felix often finds there's another pigtailed girl that drifts around his thoughts, one that was maskless, one that was normal and not miraculous related.

Felix pushed those thoughts back and summoned the transformation.

It was relieving to see Ladybug flash him a beam, delight shining in her eyes at him joining her side.

It was good to see that.

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