9: Family

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"Emmaline Agreste-Cheng you get back here right now!" Felix demanded, pursuing the dark haired, silver eyed, freckled toddler around the manor, one who was enjoying this game of keep away far too much, and giggled as she dashed away at every grab Felix made, making use of her small size to dart away.

It was bordering embarrassing.

He was Chat Noir, Paris' fearsome shadow, the scariest cat to come across at night, he was fast and fierce and caught all his prey he hunted for.

Except for this one.

This one who was due for a bath.

And this kitten was more interested in playing than bathing.

Though Felix is sure that as soon as he got her in the warm water, she'd be more than happy to be in there, especially to splash at him.

His little Emma liked to splash.

Above Felix, a certain kwami was cackling at his holder's struggles.

With growl, Felix finally had enough and summoned, "Claws out."

With a giggle, Emma darted around the corner, peeking out to see how far behind he was.

There was a thud behind her and Emma whipped around, falling back on her rear in her rush, and looking up to see a silver eyed cat peering down at her with a fond grimace.

"Minpa!" she cried, reaching for the large cat.

"Troublesome little princess," he murmured back, scooping her up and cradling her in his claws, leaning her against his chest. "It's bathtime," he declared, heading for the closest bathroom, not minding her reaching up and tugging at his long hair.

Marinette sighed as she stepped out of her office, rubbing her neck, trying to ease the developed knots she developed from looking down for so long. But it was done, at least, everything she wanted to get done was done and drawn out.

Now it was time to relax, have some tea, maybe watch a movie with Emma, or cuddle up with her Mino

A loud squeal rang out, and Marinette blinked at the naked blur that darted past her, followed by frustrated hisses trailing behind her.

She turned, raising a brow to see her soggy husband prowl up, making one of the most displeased faces she's ever seen.

She cracked an amused smile. "Slipped past you, did she?"

He wrinkled his nose at her.

She stuck her tongue out at the cat.

Then she turned, carefully pursuing the little troublemaker.

"Emmm," she called out, shooting Chat a look when he shook himself dry, hitting her with water. "Let's get dressed Kitten!"

With a mutter, Chat followed, ears perked up and listening for the toddler.

With two heroes on the way, Emma couldn't get too far away.

Or escape so easily.

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