Chapter 36 - Some Good times must come to an End.

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(Amelia's apartment , America , SCP universe - 9:04 PM)

(Third person POV)

Amelia Buck was currently at her apartment and handling some SCP files on her laptop and was given a day off today by the foundation which was rarely given to her and Green was on a mission so basically she was on her own with her STAND Locked Away. It's only been two days since Rodeo went M.I.A after the mission in Mount Foraker and in those days she couldn't help but still worry for his safety.....but little did she knew that the Killer Queen had returned and she was about to get a call about it right

Amelia: *sees her phone & then picks it up* Hello ?

Evan*through phone*: Hey buck.....We got some good news and bad news.

Amelia: 🤨 ?.......Go on.

Evan*through phone*: Good news is wellllllll........Rodeo is back with some surprising people.

Amelia: O_O ! WHAT ?!!!

Evan*through phone*: Bad news is he's badly injured and has some unusual injuries on his body that seem to be....glowing and the doctors are currently trying to keep him stable in the infirmary and....Robert is still with Green on a mission so we can't insta heal his injuries at the moment.

Amelia: Stay right there ! I'm coming back to Site-17 !

Then she ends the call and quickly puts on her lab coat and locked away grabbed the car keys from a desk and gave it to Amelia and disappeared and she left the apartment.

(Outside her apartment building)

Amelia exits the building and enters her car that was parked on a sidewalk and starts it engine and quickly drives down the road and heads for Site-17 at full speed....not noticing that 4 muscular men who were sitting on a bench and were reading a newspaper together saw her leave in a hurry and were wearing jackets with hoodies and jeans and sports shoes.

Wamuu: She seemed to be in a hurry.

Santana: And worried as well.

Esidisi: Humans are always in a hurry when it comes to their jobs and their worryiness is just another form of fear in their brains.

Kars: Well judging by her lab coat she might be a doctor.....perhaps an emergency might have come up with some patient somewhere.

Wamuuu: Probably Lord Kars.....but why do we get the feeling we might cross paths with her again ?

Esidisi: *pats the back of his head* I'm pretty sure it's just your mind thinking that way.

Wamuu: Hmmmm. Perhaps Lord Esidisi.

Then the 4 pillar men continued reading the newspaper.

(Ward-C , Infirmary , Site-17 - 9:07 PM)

Rodeo was lying on a bed in a ward room and his entire body was covered in bandages from head to toe making him look like a Mummy but it had to be done by the doctors since the injuries covered his entire body which was the result of the dark aether crystals blowing up on his face when he destroyed them using Casull & Jackal in the dark aether realm and was currently not moving. While he was unmoving...his mind was very much active.

(Inside Rodeo's mind)

(Rodeo's POV) I am again. Inside this endless black void and floating in it. My body was normal here....surpsingly but I know my body won't be normal when I wake up since I've taken a big hit to the face. Shoot the crystals and let it blow up on your face without a care in the world....but hey sometimes you got to make sacrifices even if it means your own body , soul and mind......I did saw Evan before completely passing out which means....I'm back at the foundation.

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