Chapter 32 - The Village , The Dark Aether & an unexpected turn of events.

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(The grasslands , in the areas far or close to Heisenberg's factory , Romania , Europe , Resident Evil universe - 7:30 AM)

The scene slowly came to show a small hill covered in grass and then suddenly an explosion happens on a small hill and two humanoids with drills on their arms and having a jetpack on their backs came jumping out of the hill and away from the explosion.

These were Karl's Jet soldats.

(Author: Drills for days

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(Author: Drills for days. )

The two jet soldats were heavily damage though and their jetpacks damaged badly as well due to being attacked by the forces of the dark aether and were quickly trying their best to run away from them as they were being constantly being bombarded by their projectile attacks and using the jetpacks was useless since they were damaged badly. One jet soldat falls on the ground while the other jet soldat continued running. The jet soldat that was lying on the ground tried to crawl away until he saw five grenades heading towards him due to the krasny soldats of the dark aether realm.

Jet soldat: ?!

Then the grenades hit the jet soldat and sends him flying across the grasslands and crashing & face planting himself into a window of Heisenberg's factory which luckily didn't break the window and the jet soldat saw on the other side of the window a normal crow looking at him curiously and karl & Rodeo inside a room working on something has the jet soldat was still glued to the window.

Jet soldat: ?

[Meet Karl Heisenberg]

The jet soldat slowly slides off the window and falls on the ground and the camera switched angles to show  inside the factory and showing a makeshift lab littered with scrap metal and tools with Rodeo and Heisenberg talking about something and Rodeo's armor lying on a table with a big vertical gap on the armor's chest plate and karl was holding a red glowing spherical shaped mechanical heart which he uses on his soldat army everytime to keep them powered up but this one was the size of a baseball though. Also a machine , which karl calls an electro uber , was on the ceiling with electricity rods on it was sending a blue electricity ray or beam to Rodeo's high tech foundation armor. There were some normal  crows sitting in the lab and looking at them as well.

Karl: Then we never heard from that lycan again ! 🤣 HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!


Karl: *chuckles* Anyways that's how I almost got myself in trouble with Miranda.

Then a crow popped out from the vertical gap in Rodeo's armor.

Karl: Mason ! It's filled with wires in there !

Then Karl quickly removed Mason the crow out of the armor and Achilles flys away and sits on one of the pipes on the ceiling with two other crows.

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