Chapter 35 - Party Party Party !

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(Inside a Millenium zeppellin, 1km away from hellsing manor , London , Hellsing universe - 1:00 AM)

(Third person POV)

One of the Millennium zeppellins (not the deus ex machina one) , was heading towards the hellsing manor with Zorin Blitz and her crew in it has they were told by the major in the last chapter to provide reconnaissance. The zeppellin stops in the middle of the air with the hellsing manor a kilometer away them.

Zeppellin captain: Ok the hellsing manor is in our sights. We just need to hold this position and....

Zorin: No. All hands to battle stations.

Zeppellin captain:'am.....our orders....

Zorin: I have been waiting for this war for 50 years. I have been given men , weapons and....a target. I will not be denied this opportunity by the major. I....No ! We will get what we have coming to us. Now captain. LAUNCH THE V1's !

Zeppellin captain:............. YES MA'AM !

Then the zeppellin fired mutiple retrofitted V1's and the V1's head towards hellsing manor......only for all of them to get destroyed in the air by machine gun fire from a kilometer away and which came from the hellsing manor which shocked the zeppellin crew and Zorin who saw it from the windows and monitors.


Zeppellin operator 1: Well. The V1's launched.....and then they blew up.....but not where they were supposed way too soon.

Zorin: I CAN SEE THAT ! WHY ?!

Zeppellin operator 2: Report says that it was gunfire coming from the hellsing manor.

Zorin: From a kilometer away ?!............*realisation hits* It's the b***h. Turn on the spotlights !

Zeppellin captain: But we'll be targeted easily.

Zorin: It doesn't matter. She knows we are here.

They activated the spotlights of the zeppellin in order to spot the one who their V1's out of the sky and their spotlights spotted someone standing on the rooftop of the hellsing manor carrying two massive guns and metal backpacks.

It was Seras Victoria and her weapon the Hallconnen Mark 2 a modified version of the original Hallconnen which can now fire mutiple armor piercing rounds at machine gun speeds rather than firing one round at a time like the original one did. Also she was wearing an ear piece radio on one of her ears which was of the 90's model and communicating with Pip.

(Inside the security room of the manor)

Pip was sitting in the security room of the manor and saw the entire thing through the monitors that were showing what the security cameras were showing outside the manor and communicating with Seras through a radio.

Pip: 24 for 24. Your new equipment is nothing to scoff at. The Hallconnen 30 millimeter semi-auto Canon. Maximum range 4 kilometers. Gross weight 345 kilos. We're pulling out all the stops against these jokers , young lady.

Seras*through radio*: Mr. Bernadotte , would you mind not calling me young lady ? I have a name and it's called Seras.

Pip: *chuckles & lights a cigar* My apologies , young lady......Tell me , can you see London right now ?

(With seras)

Seras who was still on the roof of the manor was actually able to see the city of London over the hills that were far from the manor with her enhanced vision due to her vampire powers. The city was still burning with the sounds of gunfire, explosions and zombie & ghoul growls & roars still raging on and can still be heard from where she was standing.

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