Chapter 17 - Blood runs Cold on Ice.

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(3 hours ago , Greenland - 9:00 AM)

(Third person POV)

(A/N: Now this is taking place before Rodeo got the call from Green regarding Lawrence and it will also show how Lawrence ended up in the state he is.)

Ten Chindook helicopter's and five Apache attack helicopter's bearing the foundations logo on their sides , were flying over the snowy country of Greenland. The mission was to assault a Chaos Insurgency base which has been suspected to holds anomalous weapons and items and secure , and capture or kill any chaos insurgency soldier or Agent in the base. The foundation knew they could expect heavy resistance , hence they send a whole lot of MTF soldier's with a buttload of firepower and gear.

(Inside a Chindook helicopter)

Inside the many Chindook helicopter's , Lawrence and Green were wearing their helmet and MTF uniform and were sitting on their seats close to each other. They both had m4a1 assault rifles with grenade launcher attachment.

Lawrence: So you nervous?

Green: Me ? Nah , I've been through worse than this. Although it always involved SCP's. And you ?

Lawrence: Kinda. But hey let's hope you don't end up in a bed again......and suffer a flat line again as well.

Green pats him on the back and says.

Green: Don't worry , I'll be careful. Unless you want to save my ass again.

Lawrence: Or there's a chance you might save my ass instead.

They both laughed and then Lawrence says.

Lawrence: Green , if we ever retire from the foundation what's the first thing you want to do ?

Green raised an eyebrow behind his helmet and says.

Green: Where's this coming from Lawrence ?

Lawrence: Look , I always gotten myself into a lot of situations and cheated death on many occasions.

Green: True.

Lawrence: And seen some unsettling things that can tear apart a person mentally and physically........that to for years. How long until you break or never breath again and be separated from the one's you love. I just want to go have a nice life with Collingwood and yet even that's a gamble when you live in a world filled with monsters.

Green: I know how it feels Lawrence. But we took this job to protect and save people from the nightmare's that lurk in the darkness. We both knew what we we're getting ourselves into and now we have to bear it. And a normal life *sigh* I'm not sure myself as well......But let's stay alive for them at least for the one's we love........who are waiting for us to comeback.

Lawrence: Yeah.

They both stayed silent and then they heard some of the MTF soldiers talking.

MTF 1: I heard they found another one of those STAND's that to in Russia. And its a girl.

MTF 2: What do you want to do? Ask her out on a date or something.

MTF 1: Uh no. I prefer normal rather than you know....anomalous.

MTF 2: Yeah normal.......Something which this world isn't.

MTF 1: True but hey at least we get a good salary out of this job.

MTF 2: Cha-ching my friend.

MTF 1: Cha-ching indeed.

Then the two soldiers fist bump each other. Lawrence and Green heard the conversation and then Green says.

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