Chapter 7 - Experiment #1 : SCP-6000 and SCP-053.

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(Rodeo's Containment cell , site-17 - 1:00 PM)

(Rodeo's POV)

It's been hours since I've been here , my phone is with Dr. Buck , I can't sleep , I don't feel hunger and thirst as well. And I'm suffering from the worst thing that exists inside any human being and it is most dangerous thing known to man.You want to know what it is ? Well , it's called.....
Boredom. Pure boredom.

Rodeo: I am so boooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreddddddddddd.*I said while lying on the floor face first *.

You heard me , I am lying on the floor face first , suffering and dying of boredom. Mostly I would check my phone to cure my boredom, but it's not with me sooooooo yeah I'm like this. And may I remind you, my face hasn't made any new expressions. It's still the same , because that's how Killer Queen's face works. No matter what emotion I bring out , my face stays stoic. And my mouth can't open and my eyes never blink.

Rodeo: *sigh* I wonder if Dr. Buck found the address I mentioned to her ?

(Not far from Rodeo's Containment cell )

(Third person POV)

Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood were heading for Rodeo's Containment cell. Dr. Buck was planning an experiment for Rodeo, which involved a certain young girl.

Dr. Collingwood: Buck , are you sure about this ?. Experimenting with 053 , can you know risky for him.*She said worrying for Rodeo's safety*.

Dr. Buck: He's shown immunity towards 049's touch. Maybe he might survive 053's anomalous powers as well.

Dr. Collingwood: I saw the footage Buck and I was also surprised that he survived 049's touch but he's just a....boy.

Dr.Buck: A boy with the power to literally blow up things into atoms....And leaving no trace. We have to do what's best Collingwood ............understand these anomalies and entities , so that we can prevent disasters from happening.

Dr. Collingwood: I know but if we treat him like a monster , he might get affected mentally.

Dr. Buck: Well, he will just have to ready himself then.

Both doctors finally reached his containment cell and Dr. Buck opens the door with her level 3 key card and the door opens. And to the doctors surprise they found Rodeo lying on the floor face first.

Collingwood: Uhh , Rodeo are you alright?

Rodeo:..........Hm? Yeah I'm fine.

Buck: Then why are you on the floor?

Rodeo: I'm suffering from boredom , Dr.Buck that's why I'm lying on the floor face first.

Dr.Buck & Dr. Collingwood can only look at him with a deadpan face.

Dr. Buck: Can you please get up from the floor?

Rodeo gets up from the floor and looks at them. Then Rodeo says.

Rodeo: Ok I've been here for hours now , so can you explain to me where you two have been all this time ? *He said a little bit frustrated *.

Buck: One , we were writing a report regarding today's incident, two we had to get 049 to the infirmary , three get you an scp designation number and four trying to find your address which we did but the names you gave don't exist.

Rodeo was shocked by this information. He then asked Buck.

Rodeo: What do you mean don't exist ?

Buck: We found the address yes , but the names and phone numbers you gave just aren't there. We even checked your photos , but we found nothing from that as well.

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