Chapter 34 - Guns , Vampires , Zombies & Robots for Days.

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(A/N: Before we start the chapter in order to not create confusion between Millenniums artificial vampire soldiers and Wolfenstein's Reich soldiers while reading the chapter , I will call the Millennium soldiers only Millennium soldiers which are part of Hellsing's universe and the Wolfenstein Reich soldiers I will call them only Reich soldiers only and they are part of the Wolfenstein universe and new allies to the Forsaken. Now onto the chapter.)

(Round table conference, London , England , Year:1999 , Hellsing universe- 7:00 PM)

Inside a building and within a big room or hall , a round table conference was going on with The Conference of Twelve members including Sir Penwood & Sir Irons , Enrico Maxwell with an Iscariot member and Heinkel a woman of German descent who had pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes and wearing glasses and was standing beside Maxwell and Integra with Walter beside her were all seated at the round table who were here to discuss the Millennium matter and.....possibly the dark aether which Maxwell & Iscariot organization has not been told about.....yet. Then they started hearing an argument coming from other side of the doors that lead in and out of the room has they could hear clear as day.

Karl*on the other side of the door*: What do you.....What do you mean you don't want to play the song ?

Integra & Walter: 😑

Rodeo*on the other side of the door*: No ! I'm not playing a song from my phone and make an entrance in to the room for your comedy.

Karl*on the other side*:.......GIVE ME THAT PHONE !!!

Then they heard sounds of struggling and grunts coming from the other side of the door.

Rodeo*on the other side of the door*: NO ! TO HECK WITH IT ! TO HECK WITH IT ! JUST OPEN THE DOOR , ALUCARD !!!....YES ! OPEN IT !!!

Then the door opened to reveal Alucard wearing his glasses , Seras , Pip and Rodeo & Karl who are choke holding each other. Then Rodeo poked Karl in the eyes with his fingers.

Karl: MY EYES !!!

Karl holds his eyes in pain as Rodeo got free from his chokehold and stood next to Seras while Karl stood next to Pip.

Alucard: We have master Integra.

Integra: Welcome home my servant. Remove your glasses Alucard & Karl and Rodeo remove your helmet. Your in the presence of the Queen.

Rodeo noticed at the end of the room a small flight of steps that lead to a throne and seated on the throne was the Queen herself with two of her guards standing beside her. Rodeo immediately removed his helmet and Alucard & Karl removed their glasses. Then the doors they came from just now burst open and from the doors came out Miranda , Donna & Angie , Bela , Cassandra, Daniela , Moreau....and Lady Alcina Dimitrescu herself.

Maxwell & Heinkel: ._. That is a tall lady. *they thought*

Alcina: We arrived as per your request , Integra with the help of the Wild Geese without being spotted by the public while coming from the manor.

Integra: Good. Now Miranda take off your mask , Alcina your hat , Moreau & the daughters of Dimitrescu the hood of your robes......and Donna & Angie.....

Donna & Angie: Hm ?

Integra: Be respectful....because you are in the presence of the Queen.

They nod and then Alcina takes off her hat , Miranda her mask , Bela , Cassandra , Daniela and Moreau the hood of their robes.....while Donna tried not to be shy & Angie tried not to do anything. Alucard looked at the Queen who was seated at her throne and then approached her. Two guards tried to stop him but were knocked down instantly by Alucard psychic ability without laying a finger. Then Alucard walked up the small steps and stood in front of the Queen and bows down on one knee in front of her.

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