Chapter 3 - Rodeo breakdowns SCP-049

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(Scp foundation , site-17)

(Third person POV)

Rodeo was able to leave Stella's room, and was again walking down another hallway filled with metal doors , he saw most of them having a signboard which showed what those doors lead to. He saw one which said Dr. Buck on it.

Rodeo: Ha! Finally I can talk to somebody. Let's hope this Dr. Buck is a good person.

Rodeo decides to knock on the metal door , he then heard a voice from the other side of the door.

Dr. Buck: Come in. *said a female voice *.

Rodeo took a deep breath and opened the door and saw a woman in her 30's , who had long blonde hair and was wearing a lab coat and was reading a document of some sort , while sitting on a chair, next to a table. (You know the usual work table you find in any doctor's office)

Dr.Buck: What is it? *she said while looking at the document , not knowing rodeo was standing on the door way*

Rodeo: I need your help.

Dr. Buck looked at Rodeo , and she went wide eyed.

Rodeo: Doctor, don't freak out, I need your help.

She quickly took out her phone and made a call to someone.

Lawrence*through phone*: Hello?

Dr. Buck: Lawrence, I need you to bring every guard and MTF soldier to my office right now. The creature your looking for...

Rodeo quickly snatched the phone from her hands and looks at her and says.

Rodeo: Yare Yare Daze. For once , can any of you be nice to me rather , than you know , trying to send people with guns after me.

Lawrence*through phone *: Dr. Buck , are you there ? Hello?

Rodeo puts the phone next to his ear and says.

Rodeo: Hello there.

Lawrence*through phone *: Who is this ? Where's Dr. Buck?

Dr. Buck: You son of a...

Rodeo: LANGUAGE!!!!!

Dr. Buck: *grunts * Just give me back my phone , you freak.

Rodeo: Nope. I ain't giving you your phone back.

Lawrence*through phone * : I will say it again, who are you?

Rodeo: The name's Rodeo. And as much as I want to say my real name , I won't since I care for my privacy.

Lawrence*through phone* : Are you the creature, that's....

Rodeo: And what if I am ? Look I just want to leave this place.

Lawrence*through phone * : You know there are cameras hidden everywhere in this facility, you can't keep running forever. One way or another your going to get captured.

Rodeo:............*jojo shadow eyes* Try me.

Rodeo ends the call , and throws the phone back to Dr. Buck who quickly catches it with her hands.

Dr. Buck: What is your goal?

Rodeo: Goal ? I have no goal. I just want to get out of here. So see you later.

Rodeo quickly leaves Dr. Buck's office and again starts looking for a way out.

(10 minutes later)

Rodeo was hiding in a storage room , to catch his breath a little bit. He quickly opens his hollow stomach compartment and takes out his phone and charger.

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