Sixty Three

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Demi panted wildly as she laid in the hospital bed

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Demi panted wildly as she laid in the hospital bed.

Onyx brushed her sweaty hair back as he pressed their foreheads together.

"You did so good," he praised as he kissed all over her face.

Demi had went into early labor. She had abrupt excessive bleeding, the doctors rushing her to get prepped for delivery.

Onyx was frozen as blood pooled between his mates thighs. He felt as if his life was
flashing before his eyes, what if he were to lose her here?

"Griffin?" she gripped his hand tightly as her eyes welled with tears. She felt as if her insides were getting torn apart.

Her knees buckled as both Onyx and the doctor rushed to catch her.

"Demi," he croaked. "You'll be okay, it'll be okay," he rasped as his panicked eyes darted to the doctor.

"We're going to prep for delivering, we need an IV..." both of the new parents were shocked but were ushered into the next room.

The labor was brutal, seventeen hours brutal. Demi cried and screamed as she clung to her mate for support.

Demi lost a lot of blood but luckily the nurses were witches, able to constantly transfuse her blood.

Now, Demi was practically limp from exhaustion. Her white hair was sticking to her face before Onyx wiped her with a cloth.

She heard the cries of their daughter, Elora was in the room as well speaking to her doctor.

Demi whimpered quietly at the soreness but continued to move towards their baby.

"I'll get her," Onyx insisted and gently rubbed her shoulders to keep her still.

As Onyx took shaky steps towards his new born as the doctors gave Demi multiple potions and elixirs to quicken her healing.

She swallowed it all down before quickly drinking water.

Demi had stitches, in her vagina, her tired mind was boggled. She blanched.

The new mother quickly perked up a little when her mother helped Onyx properly hold their baby.

The wolf could hardly breathe. The little ball of life was smaller than his forearm. The doctors confirmed she was healthy, despite being a month and a half early.

She cried softly as she squirmed in her yellow blanket, her gray eyes were squeezed shut. The girls brown skin was the same tone as her mothers but was currently bright red as she cried.

"Holy shit," he could barely get out. Onyx couldn't stop himself from seeking out his mate who swooned at the sight of her mate carrying her baby.

She scooted over a little so he could sit besides her, his wide black eyes met her own.

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