Forty Nine

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Demi skipped through the open land

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Demi skipped through the open land. Onyx had found unclaimed land in the midwestern region, not too far from the Bordoa's land. It was miles upon miles of grassy lands and surrounded by dense forests.

She linked arms with Cash, he smirked down at her.

"So you going to come live with us?" Demi wiggled her brows excitedly.

Cash hummed as if contemplating, "I suppose... Might as well settle down near my best friend right? You can't get rid of me yet."

Demi smiled cheekily, "We're lucky to have you then. But I have a confession... you've been bumped down to second bestie now. Onyx took your place."

The Hounds jaw fell open in offense. "Really?" He gasped dramatically.

"Really," she nodded with a sympathetic shrug. "You'll always have that second place spot in my heart though."

"All we've been through and I'm second class, damn."

Demi hummed and tugged him closer playfully, "I'm just kidding. I'm excited you're finally staying in one place for a while."

He nodded, "Damn right."

She snickered and let go of his arm to trot a little bit ahead.

Demi did tricks, cartwheels, flips and back hand springs.

The twins watched with wide eyes. They fell to their knees, hands up pleading. "Teach us your ways, great one."

The witch smiled playfully and quickly brought Bear over to her. She held her hands up and began teaching him a cartwheel.

"With this much land we can do a lot boss," Sylvester rest his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Yeah," he ran a hand over his jaw in thought. "You think it's safe?" His gaze darted to his mate. They'd done a quick sweep of the perimeter but there was always a risk being on new land.

"I think that we're good right now but we should keep looking. Just be alert, I don't really feel anything around do you?" Sylvester crossed his arms as he glanced at his Alpha.

"There's a few things..." Onyx trailed off.

Georgie patted them both on the shoulder as he stood between them, "Let's just keep moving. Then we can start taking measurements and begin planning."

The Vampire and them looked over to see Demi clapping for the wolf twins who'd just perfected their cartwheels.

Onyx shook his head in amusement, nodding for them to join the three hot messes.

Demi sniffled as the pollen around them tickled her nose. She rubbed her finger under nose to quell the urge to sneeze, glancing up at her mate with watery eyes.

He was walking towards them and shot a concerned look towards her.

Demi waved him off to avoid making him worried over a little allergies. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her sneeze coming. Her body tingled as a shiver shot up her spine.

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