Sixty Two

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Demi sat on Onyx's lap, his hands resting on her thighs as she read him a document

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Demi sat on Onyx's lap, his hands resting on her thighs as she read him a document.

Her seven and a half month swollen belly was pressed between the two as he rubbed her gently.

Her cheek rest in the crook of his neck as she mumbled, "They want your help to train their fighters. It's on the other coast and they'd have accommodations for you to stay."

Demi frowned at the proposition and demanding tone of the letter, as if they could tell Onyx what to do.

"Fuck that," Onyx gruffed as he brushed his hands up Demi's large shirt. He rubbed his hands over her belly.

"I'm not traveling anytime soon," he gripped her sides gently to tug her out of his neck.

"Yeah they're a little pushy," she brushed her hair out of her face.

Onyx tilted his head as he looked over his beautiful little mate.

Her skin was glowing, little freckles from the sun were peaking out on her caramel skin.

Her face was a little rounder than usual due to her pregnancy and he fucking loved the way she looked, swollen with his child.

He doesn't know why he assumed her belly would grow bigger but her stomach was rounded out and reasonably large because of her small stature.

She always made it a point to bring her new stretch marks to attention, to which he spent the rest of his time kissing and complimenting her. At first he could tell she was genuinely bothered by them, but now he thinks she shows them to him dramatically to garner the same reaction every time.

But he wasn't going to complain.

Demi did complain about how her fingers were swollen as well as her ankles or how she could out eat Onyx.

Which wasn't even true but Demi cries about it once a week.

"Baby," she tapped his cheek lightly to get his attention.

He hummed and focused back to her pretty face. Onyx brushed her white hairs behind her ear, "You're very distracting, pretty girl."

Demi scoffed a little, "I guess you'd like to read your own paperwork then?"

Onyx scowled at the idea, "Fuck that. Reading in English is too hard."

Demi giggled a little, "No you just don't try to get better because you have me."

He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his nose to her neck and inhaling deeply.

"You're all I'll ever need beautiful," he smirked against her skin.

"Too bad all of my attention will be occupied soon enough," she nipped at his skin.

He groaned lowly as he rubbed where their baby was growing, "She's going to be better company than me."

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