"I can't go home; my mom will ask about Jace. She's gonna think I'm dumb for turning him down." I sob.

Lil is silent. She must be registering what I just told her. I hear her hyperventilating. "Spend a night with Jess and me." She says through distraught pants. "Damn it! Forget everything I said. The J word is officially banned."

"I don't want it to be...I do want Jace. I'm just too complicated. I fucked it up...now he's gone forever!" I wail.

"No...no, he's not. That man hasn't left you; he's too persistent." Lil assures me. "But no more guy talk. Come on." Lil walks me forward. I cling to her side like a little kid. I've never been incapable of using my own feet. I've never leaned on someone for support. Gravity never felt so heavy on my bones.

Jess senses something is up when she opens the door. My face is tear-stained. Lil is in an odd daze. "Guys...what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you later." Lily guides me inside with a light push to the middle of my back.

Jess examines me. "Is she alright??"

Lil shakes her head. "She'll be in the guest room tonight."

"Oh...okay, I'll get it ready." She grimaces, then goes off down a hallway.

"We have baked cookies; want some? I'll add extra chocolate chips."

"Okay..." I half-whisper.

"Wanna watch something?" I nod once. Lil takes me by the hand and to the living room. A leather recliner couch with cup holders decorates it. There's a 50-inch flat-screen mounted on the wall. She sits down with me, searching for the remote. Finding it beneath the coffee table. "Did it only happen once?" She side-eyes me.

"Just...the last time I saw him."

"Why did he do it?"

"He said he gets mad when he's jealous."

"FUCK THAT EXCUSE!" Lil puffs out. "What's his address?" Her deadly calmness frightens me.


"What do you mean, don't?!!"


Lil flops back hard onto the sofa. "I just want to have some words with him. That's all." The calculated threat is still present in her tone. Her tan eyes cease to blink; they're dead focused.

Jessica returns. "The room is ready."

"Sit with her. I'm gonna put on cookies."

The two swap places. Jess surveys us both with utter alarm. "Tell me what's going on!" She scoots closer to hold my hands.

Can I say it again? Is this good for me? Saying it aloud can't be as damaging as keeping it bottled up. My mom mentioned recovery... Jace suggested therapy. Isn't talking it out the same as those? "Brad tried to take advantage of me...he wouldn't stop."

Her eyes double in size. "He what?!"

I cringe again, forcing out the same sentence. "He tried to rape me..."

She covers her mouth. "No!"

"Jess, come here," Lil calls from the kitchen. She doesn't sound mad, but does have a strange undertone.

"Umm...I'll be back." She breathes unevenly. Jess leaves.

I'm alone on the couch. I strain my ears to listen. But the two are in the back of the house. Their words are inaudible. I have to get up to hear. I get off the couch to eavesdrop. I tiptoe to the sidewall of the hall. "She has to give me his address," Lil speaks in an intense tone. "Try asking her."

Cherry Locked (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now