Chapter 40

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"If I eventually do get better, do we stand even the littlest of chance Seokjin?"

Jin groaned awake from his sleep, rubbing his eyes with the insides of his palm, trying desperately to get rid of anymore signs of sleep.

It's been over three years since all the heart wrenching events took place, but Jin has somehow learned to move on with his life. He learned to properly begin living again, making sure each day of his life, was lived to the fullest, regardless of all the hurt and ache he's ever had to endure.

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in difficult situations, which often seems like they would end up killing us, but then we get tough and wage through the storm, eventually emerging winners. Although, along the way, we may end up loosing ourselves as well as our loved ones, but that was simply the irony of life. Painful, yet impossible to change.

Time doesn't miraculously stop, nor does it slow down for anybody, irregardless of who you are, or what you might be going through. The laws of humanity and life in general, proves that time only keeps fleeting away before our very eyes. Personally, it becomes up to us to make the most of it, instead of laying back and watching it pass us by with gentle and yet harsh ticks.

As for Jin, he sure did make the most of it, as he got really busy with his now growing cafe. It was almost as if after he had come to terms, and made peace with his past and present, life no longer felt meaningless, if anything, life became worth living to Jin. For the sake of himself, his late kids and for everyone around him, he was determined to become an even better person than he already was.

His phone dinged, alerting him of a text message. Wiping his dampened hands dry on his work towel, Jin reached for his cellphone, and across the screen read a text message from Jimin, reminding him of the dinner date they both had planned for the night.

Jin grinned from ear to ear, quickly typing him a short reply, before tucking his cellphone back into his pocket.

It was still quite early in the morning, but Jin had already arrived at the cafe to put things in other before opening up for the day. Although he could easily leave it up to his employees, but cleaning and organizing had somehow become very therapeutic to him over the years.

He wasn't expecting anyone to stop by until opening hours, which was only a few minutes away, so when he heard the bell by the door chimed, he was startled. But the scowl on his face, quickly turned into a bright smile when he saw the familiar face of the man walking towards him.

"Hey, good morning handsome" The man greeted when he finally caught up with Jin, giving him a small peck on the cheek. "You're here so early, why is it still so difficult for you to sleep in, even after employing more hands huh?" He added.

Jin chuckled, tucking some of his stray hairs behind his ears, "This place is my entire life, sometimes to the point I think it's a sin for me to neglect it for even a second" he answered thoughtfully, with a grin.

The man hummed, nodding his head in total understanding, "At this rate, you might become a workaholic, should I just take you along with me on my trip to Hawaii? I doubt if you're on a vacation you'll have the time to be so engrossed in your work"

"Matter of fact, my best friend and I did plan to embark on a trip together after his wedding, but I didn't know Namjoon had other plans in store for us. Because he already got my Minnie pregnant even before they got married" Jin says, laughing at the resurfacing memory of how shocked he was when he learnt that Jimin was expecting.

"How long has it been again, since they got married?" The man asked.

"Two years"

"Wow, time does fly by pretty quickly, has it really been that long since you rejected me?"

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