Chapter 38

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Jin banged frantically on the front door of the Jeons family house, his mind heavy and clouded with thoughts, while his body felt extremely exhausted from all that had happened.

"Jin are you sure he's here?" Jimin questions, while trying to peer into the brightly lighted house through the tall windows.

Jin exhaled while sniffing, "Didn't you hear what Yoongi said? He clearly said this was the last place he saw him before he disappeared"

Jimin nodded knowingly, "I know, it's just that if Jungkook was really here, then why is nobody coming to the door? The lights are on, but no one's answering" He says, stating the obvious.

Jin banged even harder, yelling at the top of his voice. "Mrs Jeon, are you in there? I know you can hear me, please open the damn door!"

The silence stretched on for a few minutes, before Jimin was able to make out a figure walking slowly into the living room.

"There's someone, I can clearly see a shadow" he informed, "Go on, knock again"

As Jin exhaled for the nth time to calm his raging nerves, he gathered enough momentum he was sure enough could break down the door, but then, the front door unlocks. Bringing into view a very distressed looking elderly woman.

"Where's he? Where's Jungkook?" Jin questions, ignoring the familiar woman in front of him.

"J_jungkook's not here" she says.

Jin frowned, feeling his heart rate spike up by the information. "What do you mean he's not here? Aren't you his mother? Why on earth wouldn't you know where your son is?"

Mrs Jeon exhaled, holding on to the door and ready to slam it in Jin's face. But Jin was quick to put one foot in, thereby preventing the door from shutting.

Without being told, he launched directly into the house, and headed right up the stairs.

Mrs Jeon closely followed behind Jin, trying her best to convince him that Jungkook, was indeed not in the house. But Jimin was quick to stop her, by grabbing onto her forearm and spinning her around to face him.

"You are really a terrible woman do you know that? You knew your son was suffering from such an illness, yet you pushed and forced him to go ahead and marry Jin because you hated the man he was with? Do you have any idea how many lives you've ruined? Yet you act like nothing happened"

Mrs Jeon averted Jimin's gaze, and swallowed a huge lump down her throat. "You won't understand, i didn__"

"Save it!" Jimin yells, putting a hand forwards to stop the woman from talking any further. Reaching into his bag, he takes out cellphone and dials Namjoon.

Back upstairs, Jin ran from door to door, desperately knocking on the locked ones, and trying to pry open the unlocked ones.

"Jungkook!" He screams at the top of his lungs, "Where the hell are you?" forcefully pushing the door at the far end of the hall open,

There was Jungkook.

The man had on black slacks and a matching button up sleeve. He was sitting with his back turned towards the door, and his eyes looking out the window.

Jin exhales shakily, yet thankfully. Taking slow strides towards where Jungkook was seated, he finally was in front of him. Jungkook looked dazed, lost and absent, he could really not register the presence of the man in front of him.

Jin inhaled sharply, "Jungkook?" He calls out, but he was met with total silence, as Jungkook only continued to stare out the window. Beside him laid a tray of cold and untouched food.

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