Chapter 34

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With Jimin's wedding fast approaching, Jin was just as busy as the groom to be, helping him plan out his intensive decorations, food settings and even his outfit.

Namjoon did propose they just hire a wedding planner to take care of everything, instead of going through the stress themselves, but Jimin was highly against it. For some strange reasons, only particularly known to him, he wanted to organize his own wedding himself. Like he would always say when asked, I want to be able to look back at the memories in the future, and be proud that i was able to add all my personal touches to my wedding.

Jin would often let out a small laugh and pat him on the shoulders softly, as a sign of encouragement, whenever he would say that. And in response to this, Jimin would always tuck himself underneath the man's arm, conveying just how much he loved and appreciated him.

Jimin felt really guilty when Jin had to hire a part timer, to take care of the cafe in his absence. Although Jin would always assure him that he didn't mind because he knew Jimin needed him to be there for him the most.

The part timer was a transfer student from China, she had been the very first interviewee to respond to the part timer needed sign, written boldly on the placard board placed outside the cafe.

Jin immediately took a liking to the girl, and employed her on the spot. Shuhua still had a whole lot to learn, but Jin was certain she would eventually do that with time.

"I'm so sorry I'm pulling you out of work again today Jinnie" Jimin whined tirelessly, plopping himself down on a chair opposite Jin in his office.

Jin looked up from the folders he was organizing, with a bright smile on his face, "How many times do I have to tell you I don't mind? Now, instead of complaining and distracting me while I'm trying to work, It's better you pray I finish organizing this weeks sales and return properly so we can leave on time okay?"

Jimin instantly pinned his lips together, and nodded his head vigorously.

"Good" Jin chided.

A knock on the door made Jin almost groan out in frustration, but he took in a deep breath before calling out to the person.

Shuhua stepped in, with a brown apron around her neck, bowing politely to her boss and the other man present in the room, before delivering her message.

"Yes Shu, what's up?" Jin asked.

"Sir, I'm sorry for distracting you, but there's a man here to see you" She announced.

Jin's brows involuntarily furrowed, causing ripples of fine crease to form along his forehead, "A man? Who?"

"He said his name is Taehyung sir"

Jin exhaled sharply, while Jimin's eyes were instantly blown wide open.

"It can't be right?" Jimin immediately asked, as if knowing exactly what his friend was thinking as well.

Jin shook his head in obvious disdain and disapproval. "No way in hell, there are lots of Taehyung's in Seoul, it cannot possibly be him"

Jin didn't get to finish his statement, before Jimin jerked up from his seat abruptly, with his temper already flaring red hot. If it was indeed the same Kim Taehyung who had the audacity to ruin his bestfriends life, then he was so damn ready to throw hands, even if Jin tried to stop him.

Suprised? That wasn't even close enough a word to describe the feeling.
Stunned? Well maybe yes, this sorts of come close.

Jin looked at the man, who had his head down and his arms intertwined together in front of him. They were both seated far away at the farthest corner of the cafe, away from the small gathering morning crowd and prying eyes.

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