Chapter 19

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The door flared open in one go, hitting against the tiled wall with a loud thud, he walked in without a care in the world at the shocked and confused state his friend was obviously in.


"Shut the fuck up!" He seethed through his teeth, the anger in his tone could be sensed from miles away "how much more of an asshole can you be Jungkook?"

Jungkook rose up from his seat, eyes never leaving the said man "what the hell hyung, what are you talking about?"

"You got Tae pregnant? Like are you even for real? You got him pregnant while your husband was battling with the pain of loosing two children?"

Yoongi was more than angry, you could say he was completely baffled and livid, quite unable to wrap his head around the whole situation that presented itself before him. Like he'd always heard and read about monsters in his children story books while growing up, but there was never a time in his life when he thought he'd actually meet one. Jeon Jungkook was a monster, the type he just couldn't believe was freely living amongst humans.

He exhaled, fingers gripping the core point between both eyes "Hyung it's not like that"

Yoongi almost chuckled but figured it may not be the best time "how the hell is it like then huh? C'mon tell me Jungkook how? Like how does any of this even begin to start making sense to me__"

"It was before!" Jungkook yelled thereby cutting him halfway through his mental breakdown "it was all before, I got him pregnant before any of this happened. I didn't know how it happened, I mean he just told me as well"

For a few minutes only the sounds of their breathing could be heard, if a pin had dropped in that moment then clearly it would have sounded as audible as metals clanking together in a factory.

He wasn't even the one whose been through all the shit, but his legs wobbled, becoming all gooey and weak. Putting both hands out, he shook his head disapprovingly, as if thinking he'd heard wrong "wait" he exhaled slowly "before? In the sense that you were cheating on him while still married to him?"

Jungkook nooded causing Yoongi's eyes to widen in horror "You're horrible!" He blurted out almost immediately unable to hold it in "Jungkook didn't we talk about Taehyung? I thought we deaded the issue concerning him, i fucking told you to leave him the shit alone and focus on your husband. Clearly I can see I was only wasting my precious time" he shook his head in disbelief "you just had to do what you had in mind right? This is all your damned fault man, so don't give me that crap of you didn't know"

He backed up until his back was rubbing against the familiar cool of the glass door, he turned around and gripped the knob "I thought I could actually help you out of this mess, but this is clearly your cross to carry Jungkook. I also want you to know," he paused as if trying to properly piece his words together "Karma is real and it always back around"

"He will be here soon"

Namjoon reassuringly says to the man sitting across from him in the small cafe they had decided to meet at.

The man smiled, taking a sip from his latte "Oh it's fine" he says, waving his hands dismissively "we all have our late days"

Namjoon acknowledged, nodding with a small smile. His eyes constantly wavering to his phone placed by the side of the table, still no calls or texts he thought__Just then the bell by the door to the cafe jiggled alerting both men.

"Oh he's here__over here Jin" he waved, beckoning to him.

Seokjin nooded, properly adjusting his bag over his shoulder, he walked up to both men extending a hand to the stranger before taking a seat.

"Hi I'm Seokjin, Kim Seokjin. I'm so sorry I kept you waiting" he turned to Namjoon looking at him apologetically as well.

The said man smiled, a type that lasted longer than was supposed to. "I'm Jaehwan, Lee Jaehwan but I'd honestly preferred if you simply called me Ken" all the while he spoke, his fingers were ever so softly brushing over the back of Seokjin's palms.

Seokjin hummed in understanding, gently withdrawing his hand from the man's grasp "Alright then, Ken?"

"Yes Ken. I've heard all that has happened to you from Namjoon here, and honestly I'm just dumbfounded. Nobody, I repeat absolutely nobody deserves to go through all that"

He sounded so empathic almost rilling tears out from Seokjin's eyes, but he bit them back before they could come running. Enough of the crying and self pity, he just wanted to freaking get his life back. A pain like his is only a hidden wound that often gets opened back by the simplest of things, it's a pain that doesn't go away with medications no matter how hard you tried.

And anything that makes you feel healed from it is only temporary, because it only takes one thing to reopen such wounds which eventually reminds you that you were never healed in the first place. The only thing that helps you deal with it is the acceptance that it did happen to you, but you're believing and proclaiming not to ever allow it ruin your future.

Seokjin shrugged finally "Its fine really, I've been going back and forth on this and I really just want to make a decision that can save me with all the help I can possibly get"

Ken smiled yet again "You're surrounded by people who only want to see you get better, that alone is one of the greatest steps to self healing. Take your time, and as you know I'm also one of those people who want to help you, I'm here for you just as much as Namjoon"

Seokjin couldn't help but stare at the man for a tad bit longer. I guess it had its own perks when a total stranger suddenly admits to being there for you.

"Thank you" it came out merely as a whisper, but Ken was quick in picking it up immediately.

"You're welcome. So" his hands coming up to clasp together on the table in front of him "what do you want to do?" His eyes keenly eyeing Seokjin.

Seokjin moistened his lips, noticing the quick glance Ken zeroed on them before returning his gaze back up to his eyes. "First of all, I want a divorce. A legally court approved divorce. I want nothing, I mean absolutely nothing linking me to the Jeon's ever again!"

His words firm and with a hint of truth.

Short chapter? I will most likely update another tomorrow...

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