Chapter 13

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Jimin gently pushed the door to the room at the end of the hallway open before steadying the food tray properly on his hand. He made his way into the dimly lighted room and turned the lights on before setting the food tray down by the bedside table. He is greeted by the familiar sight of the very much untouched breakfast he had brought in earlier in the morning.

Jimin sighed brushing his fingers through his hair before dropping his gaze to the man curled up on the far end of the bed with his knees up to chest and his face buried into his palms.


He was met with complete silence as the said man neither stirred nor made any attempt to engage in a conversation with him.

He continued anyways "You need to eat Jinnie, you can't continue like this please. It's been several months, I'm so worried about you please stop starving yourself. I've tried everything possible but nothing seems to be working, I'm terribly sorry about everything that has happened to you; trust me if I could help lift this burden off your shoulders, I wouldn't think twice before doing it"

The only sound that was heard after Jimin was done talking, was the sound of the ticking clock hanging on the wall by the opposite side of the room.

Jimin fought back the hot tears threatening to trickle down his cheeks as he stared at his friend. What had life become all of a sudden?

After the incident at the hospital, Jin awoke a few days later and the doctors figured it was of no use withholding such crucial information from him as it one hundred percent concerned and had everything to do with him so they told him everything from the realization of loosing Minho and his unborn baby and the possibility of not being able to conceive again.

Jimin watched as life gradually seeped out from his bestfriend. Since that very day he has never remained the same, when his discharge papers were signed Jimin didn't waste time in having Jin move in with him and Namjoon immediately. He didn't think he could withstand seeing Jungkook anywhere close to his friend, he might eventually loose his mind no doubt about that.

Ever since returning from the hospital Jin had lost every meaning he had to life. He didn't even think he had any more reason to keep on living he had practically closed himself off from everyone, including Jimin. He became rapidly pale and skinny rarely spoke to anyone or ate even a spoonful of food.

The bed dipped, Jimin sat by the edge of it and gazed at him. His heart broke even more as he absorbed the fragile state Jin was in.

"Jin" he began with his broken voice "I'm sorry for everything that has happened I know there's absolutely no amount of apology I can render to make your pain go away. It hurts so bad to see you like this, but please Jinnie stop doing this to yourself what will become of you if you let this destroy you? You're a strong and amazing man you've always been, and this cruel world does not deserve an Angel like you I'm not asking you to forget about all of this in just one day, but I'm pleading for you to fight through this and not give up. I'm here for you, Joonie too is here for you and we promise to remain by your side no matter what. You got this Jin, and for the last time I'm sorry"

Jimin failed miserably at trying to sound stronger than he actually looked, he was a shadow of himself and could only imagine how Jin felt.

Getting up from the bed, he gave jin one last stare before heading out the door. Shutting the door behind him, he allowed his head fall back against the door as he clutched his painfully beating heart through his chest.

A knowing Namjoon stood by the other end of the hallway with his arms open. Jimin didn't waste a second in running over to him almost missing his step along the way.
Namjoon pressed the boy's head into his chest with both hands as Jimin cried his eyes out.

"It's me Joonie, it's all my fault. if i, if i—" he stuttered "if I didn't push him to that damed club that very night, he would have never met with the devil"

Namjoon rocked his sobbing boyfriend in his arms, planting soft kisses on his head from time to time.

"Mr Jeon fix this! We can't keep entrusting you with our shares if all you're going to do is keep making us loose a ton of money. I'd rathe—"

"Please shut the hell up!" Jungkook yelled slamming his fist on the table in anger

Mr Choi widened his eyes in disbelief. His mouth opened but words failed him

Yoongi who had quietly been standing by the corner of the huge office rushed in to address the situation

"Mr Choi I'm sorry about that please calm down, he's been in such a messy mood for sometime now, please do not withdraw your shares we will fix this. Just give us some time before taking such drastic measures"

The man huffed straightening out his well tailored suit "One week! That's all I'm giving, and if by then you all don't pull the rates up and get your shit together, then consider us done!"

The door slammed in both their faces before any could respond.

Yoongi sighed cocking his neck side to side. He turned to Jungkook

"What did you do that for? What's got you so damn worked up?"

"Jin!" Jungkook yelled through gritted teeth.

"And what about Jin?"

"I can't find him, since that midget of a human took him home from the hospital he wouldn't allow me see him. Do you know he fucking processed the discharge papers without my knowledge?" He asked "Now he's claiming he doesn't know where Jin is, fuck that he's a bloody liar! I should just involve the police and get a warrant to raid that entire building and bring Jin to me!"

"You will do no such thing" Yoongi said.

"Are you nuts? No have you literally gone crazy Jungkook? He freaking lost his kids, not one but two! Do you even know how he might be feeling right now? For fucks sake he needs his space, far away from you atleast you've hurt him to damn much don't you agree?"

Jungkook pulled frustratingly at his hair "Arggh! Why won't you of all people believe me! how many times do I have to tell you I didn't do it?"

"Well he doesn't know that. And with the way everything looks no one will ever believe you. I mean it's kind of your fault, if you called your nanny to come get your son you should have stayed behind with him until she came or better still take him in with you. The so called business call you were on could have waited, instead you left him in the field running to get your laptop. Every single perspective you view this from, it still eventually boils down to you being fucking careless with your own child—"

"Enough hyung" Jungkook closed his eyes, chest heaving rapidly.

Everything in his life was upside down, literally falling apart. He'd lost two kids in one day, his clients were constantly on his neck, his parents suddenly asking him when he would visit with their grandchild as the holidays were fast approaching. And the most frustrating and heart wrenching part his husband was nowhere to be found.

His cellphone beamed causing it to light up.

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:Tae Baby

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