Chapter 15

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Taehyung's door was almost raised down by the continuous banging, Jungkook was at the verge of loosing his mind with each ticking second.

By the name Taehyung came to the door, Jungkook was already pushing his way in and slamming the door hard behind him.

"What was that you said over the phone?" He asked with his hoarse voice coated with rage. He gave the other male no time to register his presence.

"Why do you look like you got into a fight?"  His eyes had raked over Jungkook's face before settling on his busted lip.

That wasn't the only question he'd wanted to ask, there were lots more like why on earth his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, why his hair looked so messy and most of all why the actual fuck were his knuckles looking bloody as hell.

Jungkook hissed.

"I didn't come here for you to start making analysis regarding me. Get to the fucking point Taehyung, what was that you said over the phone? Is it true?"

Taehyung scoffed before swiping his tongue over his dry lower lip "Would I possibly be joking about that Jungkook? I've been having cramps and feeling unnecessary pain so I decided to get checked. So if you must know,it was confirmed I'm carrying your child"

The next words which left Jungkook's mouth left him stunned.

"And what makes you think it's mine?"

Taehyung had to grab on to the nearest wall to steady his wobbly legs. His heart beating haphazardly within his chest.

The Audacity!

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Jeon Jungkook!" He yelled "Are you trying to play silly games with me? What the fuck do you take me for? Is this a fat ass joke to you?"

Jungkook heaved a sigh and comed his fingers through his hair. He'd actually lost count of how many times he'd repeated this same gesture all day long.

"No it's not. Calm down I'm sorry" he says flatly with almost no emotion present in his voice.

Taehyung rolled his eyes "You sure as hell do not sound sorry. Do you even hear yourself? I was doing just fine without you, you're the one who burst through that very door on your own accord that faithful evening claiming how you've still not gotten over me. You came back to me excuse me! not the other way round and you ruined everything! Now you're going to stand here in front of me and ask me such shitty questions? What right do you even think you have Jeon fucking Jungkook!"

Jungkook's hand slipped back to his own nape as he massaged his neck. Damn his whole life was really spinning out of control in just the blink of an eye. He watched Taehyung rant on and one before eventually calming down as he had said absolutely nothing through out the tantrum.

"It's okay__" he finally begins "I didn't mean to say that to you considering the condition you're in. I was just__just really tired Taehyung, of course I know I came back to you on my accord and I sure as hell was ecstatic back then but right now? Trust me, I don't even know what to feel. It's like we are forc__"


Before Jungkook could complete his words Taehyung slapped him hard across the face, making sure to imprint the lines of his fingers on it.

"You're disgusting!" Taehyung yelled

Jungkook tightened his jaw and clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms to the extent he drew blood.

"Taehyung you're getting me all wrong. I didn't mean it that__"

"Get out!" Taehyung says cutting him short yet again.

"What? I thought you said you needed me here? Why do you want me out now?"

Taehyung closed his eyes and pinched his nose bridge a little harder than usual. He sighed breathing in and out.

"My nerves are extremely heightened around you, I don't need that it's not good for me. Feel free to come back whenever you put whatever shit you're going through behind you. But for now Jungkook get the hell out of my house!"

Spring was such a beautiful time. It sort of had its unique ways of washing away dark sceneries and gloomy feels that lingered the air after series of unfortunates events happen.

Back at home Jimin was brewing himself a warm cup of coffee before work hours began. He'd found himself a job at a local newspaper company and he loved every bit of working. So much had happened in the past year that has made him taken a new turn and direction to the way he viewed life.

Live while you can as time waits for nobody.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind, making him smile and turned around to place a chaste kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

"Good morning handsome" Namjoon whispers to him and pecked him on the nose.

"Ugh! I'm so inlove with your smell" Jimin says and buries his face into Namjoon's chest.

Namjoon chuckled, kissing the top of his head "What time do you resume today?"

"Nine" he says and pulled away from the hug when the coffee maker dinged.

"Okay, as for me I should be on my way out right about now" Namjoon says taking the second flask of coffee from his boyfriend "Dont stay out too late and remember to check on Jin okay before leaving okay?

"When have I ever forgotten?" Jimin says with a small smile.

Namjoon stood by the door slinging his work bag over his shoulders "Never, and thats why you're an angel. I love you babe" he blew Jimin a kiss and out the door he went.

Jimin chuckled while shaking his head. He took a sip of his coffee as he eyes glanced towards the wall clock. Just a few minutes more, he might as well check on Jin before leaving the house himself.

He made it up the stairs, but stopped in his tracks to make sure of the series of sounds he heard.

Music? coming from Jin's room? Were his ears still functioning properly?

He stood out for a while outside the room as the music got louder. He sucked in a deep breath and knocked gently but got no reply, so he decided to push the door open by himself as carefully as possible.

His jaw dropped open.

The lights were on, the curtains pulled open allowing the rays of the morning sun to reach every nook and cranny of the room. It smelled fresh and clean, unlike the stuffy smell he'd gotten used to over the past months.

What the hell was going on?

And then it clicked.

Jin emerged from the bathroom in a black suit pant, a blue checkered long sleeve with a long black coat over it. His hair which seemed to have grown out a little was slightly parted revealing his forehead, his face looked radiant and his lips looked red rosy.

"Jin!?" Jimin exclaimed, wiping his eyes with the back of his palm. There was no way he was seeing clearly.

The man who had isolated himself from everyone, promising to cry and starve himself to his demise couldn't possibly be the same man in front of him right now.

He watched Seokjin grab a scarf from the rack and wrapped it around his neck. Good choice, the weather is kinda chilly.

"Hey Minnie, what do you say about a morning walk?"

Guys! We are at No 2 in Kookjin🎉

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