Chapter 29

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Ken had a bright smile on his face while opening the car door for Jin to get in, Jin inturn also returned the same smile along with a nod, before settling into the front seat of car, allowing his head to fall unto the head rest as he gently exhaled.

Walking around the car, Ken pulled the driver's side door open, getting in and shrugging off his jacket, which he later dumped at the back seat of the car before starting the ignition and driving into the highway.

The ride home was much silent than usual, the mood and atmosphere had been a lot more bubbly while they were heading out to the restaurant Ken reserved for their dinner date. Unknown to Jin, the man had made the reservation weeks ago without his knowledge and also planned to confess his feelings to him in hopes that it would lead to possible dating.

Jin had been completely stunned and taken off guard by the sudden confession from Ken. Maybe not so sudden, as he'd come to know deep in his heart the man did harbor strong feelings towards him, either through the way he treated him and cared for him, or the way he always made sure Jin had a good day at the end of each day. Ken had been such a great support to him throughout his divorce processes and journey to self discovery and healing.

Ken sometimes often goes out of his way to bring Jin lunch at work and accompany him to see his kids whenever Jin felt like. Jin wasn't oblivious to any of this, he knew, he knew the man was trying to convey his feelings in the best way possible.

Although here he was riding in the same car with the man, deep in thoughts as to what he was actually supposed to do, or how exactly he was going to bring himself to start a relationship all over again.

Ken did made it clear Jin didn't have to give him an answer immediately, he also made it clear Jin had all the time in the world to think about it and get back to him. He also assured Jin that whatever his decision might be, he was fully ready and willing to accept it with good faith.

"I've had feelings for you since the first time I laid eyes on you" Ken had said in the most sincere way, while gently thumbing over Jin's hand. "I kept it to myself for so long because I knew you were going through so much at that time, and it would have been so insensitive of me to dump my baggage on you like that" He had also added.

As Ken pulled up on Jin's driveway, he finally spared him a glance, and his hunch was damn correct, Jin hadn't been paying attention to anything on his way home, and even after pulling up on his driveway, Jin had still yet to register in his mind that he had arrived home.

Ken cleared his throat, while gripping the steering wheel before calling out to him,

"Jin, we are here"

This action prompted Jin to jerk up abruptly, feelings embarrassed at how absent minded he had been all night, he smiled, feeling quite bashful, "Wow" he exclaimed rather shyly "I didn't know"

Ken chuckled lightly in order to lift the heavy and straining tension in the air, "It's okay, trust you had a good time?" he asked.

"A great one" Jin was quick to correct. It wasn't a lie afterall, he genuinely did enjoy the company of the man to say the least. Ken made him feel somewhat secured and much appreciated, something he'd last felt a very very long time ago.

"I'm glad to hear that" Ken commented with a bright smile.

Silence stretched on between them for a while, making Jin completely uncomfortable.

"Um" he coughed, clearing his throat, "do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?"

Delaying his answer for a while, Ken looked at Jin paying attention to how his eyes always averted his gaze whenever he would stare at him, before giving him a tight lip smile.

"Tea? That's kinda old fashioned don't you think?, I thought you'd be inviting me inside to join you for some ramyeon or better still to see your cat?" he joked.

Jin tensed up at the words, Ken didn't fail to notice so he quickly brushed it off, "Relax, I was merely joking"

Jin let out a strained laughter, brushing his stray hairs behind his ears, "Oh yes i knew that"

"It's been a long day and an even longer night, I probably shouldn't keep you here any longer, considering the fact that you'll resume the cafe very early in the morning"

Jin bid Ken a rather quick goodnight and exited the vehicle, taking slow strides towards his front door. Reaching inside his bag, he began searching for his keys when his phone went off announcing a call from Jimin.

Jin grimaced already anticipating all of Jimin's reactions when he finally tells him all about the date.

"Taehyung can you stop pacing back and forth? You're keeping me on the edge of my seat c'mon"

Hoseok scolded as he rocked Taehyung's baby back to sleep after feeding her her warm bottle of milk for lunch.

"You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?" Hoseok asked in irritation.

He exhaled rubbing his palm over his sweaty face, "He still hasn't called me yet" he began "Like I just freaking had a baby and he still hasn't called to check up on me or the baby, can you even imagine that?"

"Have you tried calling him instead?"

"Hell yes!" Taehyung yelled at the top of his voice, causing his daughter to jerk awake in Hoseok arms with soft cries.

"Great! Just great, you know how hard I've been trying to get her back to sleep" Hoseok scolded clearly annoyed, as he placed the crying baby on his chest rubbing over her small back gently.

Taehyung exhaled "I'm sorry, I'm just so frustrated! This wasn't what I was expecting to say the least" he eventually sat down on one of the double sofas, brushing his hair backwards with trembling fingers.

"But it's even more weird that nobody knows where he is, I've been to the house countless times and it's always empty, his cellphone also seem to have died a long time ago. Wait, you don't think he'd shy away from his responsibilities right?"

Hoseok scoffed in disbelief, "his responsibilities?" He asked again, trying to make sure he'd heard right the first time.

Taehyung nodded, starring at Hoseok with a confused reaction.

"If I remember clearly, this baby isn't his right?"

"But he doesn't know that does he?" Taehyung immediately chipped in, sounding very defensive, "And he wouldn't know any time soon, as long as we keep this a secret in hopes of getting a ton of fortune out of him"

I always try to double check every chapter I write for mistakes, but I always don't see it immediately. But when I try going through it another time I eventually discover lots of them lol. I'm honestly sorry for my constant mistakes, please bear with me as I'll try to do better going forward.

THE HATE YOU GIVE (Kookjin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن