Endlessly | Lukanette

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Suggested by: JayXLonnie525
I enjoyed writing this request and it became angsty. 'Endlessly' is a song from Winx club.

Don't Know What To Do
Help Me

Tears of pain and agony trickled down the blunette's face. She don't know what to do. She don't know what to feel. Her heart lurches rapidly and it felt like paper ripping into two. Her mind wanders to endless possibilities of how she could just leave the world. It made her shiver, to go through a lot of things just as a teenager. 

She helps the world, day and night. The guardian of all miraculouses she was. But she couldn't fight for her own self. She couldn't even love someone. It was cruel that she has many responsibilities. It was cruel how she couldn't get help. But she needs help. 

"Help me," the petite girl whispers as passes out. 

I'm here alone
And memories are comin into my mind 
Of the story of me and you
When everything felt so right

Marinette wakes up to the sound of beeping. She felt herself in a sleeping position. She could only see blur all around her. She squinted her eyes, trying to get adjusted to the light. Her eyes widened, only to see the boy whom she left. Was she hallucinating him? She blinked her eyes a few times, only for her lover to disappear like dust.

Luka was the light to her darkness. As cliche as it may sound, it was true. He was always there for her. He motivated her, gave her hope. He instilled in her faith. As soon as she saw the boy, she knew that he was something special. Now, he wasn't there anymore.

She was there all alone. She had nobody. All she could feel was emptiness, numbness. Now, all the bitter and sweet started flowing into her head like tsunami. Being with Luka just felt so right. As that time, it felt like they were made for each other.

You're a charming prince
With you I had my first real kiss
I didn't know what to do
Cause I had to face the truth, oh baby

He was her knight in charming armor. He were her lover, her first kiss, her first everything. But, so many things were happening in life. Being ladybug, being a role model, being the savior of Paris, being a superhero. It was hard. Really, really hard. It was taking all her energy away. And she was tired, physically and mentally.

Marinette thought that Luka deserved more than this. She thought that Luka can find a better girlfriend. She thought that he didn't need her. Luka wouldn't have been akumatised if she was away from him, right. 

Everything happened because Marinette was there. She thought that Luka didn't deserve any of the pain. And so, she had to face the truth. The truth that she invented. The truth that Luka didn't need her.

I had all your lovin
Why oh why I did I let you go this way

She regrets leaving him. She regrets breaking up with him. She regrets all those decisions. But it had to be done. It had to be done to keep him save. That is the only way her love would be save. As much as it hurts her to leave him, she had to. To keep him safe. But it hurts so much to accept the fact that she can't have him.

Don't you know baby that you're the one
Who always made me feel
Like I'm a queen
The one who's always been there for me
And that's why I will love you

He made her feel like she matter. He made her feel like an angel. He made her feel like the world needs her. He made her feel like a princess. He made her feel like she was special. He made her feel like a Queen. He were always there for her, through thick and thin. And that's why she never stopped loving him. He was always etched in her heart.

Cause baby you're the one
And though your everything that
I've been dreamin of
I realize I'm not what you need
you deserve much more
Than a girl like me

However, there was a huge part of her that knows that Luka deserved better. He deserves a better girl. He was the one for her. She knows that. But it was unfair for Luka that a fraction of her heart used to beat for the young model. Luka took the chance to be with her, despite knowing that she wasn't giving him her fullest love.

Then, she realised that Luka didn't need her. She realised that Luka didn't need to put up with a broken and messed up girl. She realised that he deserved to much more than her.  She realised that she didn't deserve him. She realised that she was holding him from moving forward. She realised that he didn't need a girl like her.

When I met you
It was love at first sight so sweet and true
And my heart started beatin fast
For a love that's come too fast

Marinette stared blankly at the wall above her before getting up. She sat down, covering herself with the hospital blanket. Tears started welling up in her eyes and started dropping like rivulets on the snow-colored blanket. She remembered the first time they met. She remembered her heart pounding against her ribcage. 

'Ma-ma-Marinette,' Luka teased her sweetly the first time. She chucked weakly at that memory. She remembered blush creeping up her neck to her forehead. It felt like the time just stopped entirely. She fell in love with her immediately, too instant.

I need you baby
To look into my eyes and hold me tight
Just take me away from here
I think I'm losing my mind

Her mind starts spinning. It was making her crazy. She just wants to get out this place. She wants to go somewhere. A place with no judgement, no fights, no discrimination. A place with peace, acceptance and love. However, there is no world without evilness and negativity. She wants to go somewhere where Luka and her would be happy. She wants Luka to take her away from reality. She is loosing her mind. She is a mess.

I wish you all the best
Why oh why did I let you go away

But... there is no way out of reality. There is no way to go to place that she love. There is no way she could be with Luka in a world like this. There is no way to be with Luka at all. So, she wishes him all the best. She wishes him that he will be successful. She wishes that there are better women out there for him. Better women that will give him a happy life.

Don't you know baby that you're the one
Who always made me feel
Like I'm a queen
The one who's always been there for me
And that's why I will love you

Marinette looks infront of her to see her mother running towards her. She felt Sabine hug her tightly. But Marinette felt numbness washing through her body. 

She wanted Luka to comfort her. She wanted Luka to whisper to her that everything would be alright. She wanted Luka to hug her. She wanted Luka to hold her tight. She wanted to Luka say 'I love you' everyday. She wanted Luka to be there. She wanted to see Luka, day and night. She just wanted Luka. But, he wasn't there and it was too late to change anything.

A few hours later, Marinette was back home in the same dull pink room. Why does she want to live? She shoved the pillow on her face and screamed so much after an entire period of silence. 

"Why did I take the miraculous in the first place? I should have just gave it to Alya like how I initially planned? I should have never been Juleka's friend. I wouldn't have known L-Luka. I shouldn't have joined kitty section. I wouldn't have spent time with him and fall for him. I shouldn't have been a guardian. I shouldn't have dated him. I should have been selfish and never broke up with him." Marinette yelled at the top of her lungs, her voice hoarse.

She blinked away the tears which were rapidly spilling from her eyes. She didn't want to cry. She just wanted to leave. Leave the world for good. She didn't want to leave in this world. Everything you do is wrong. You can never be happy with the person you love.

'You live only once,' was something Marientte hears everytime. However, even if you try to enjoy in this world, you can't. You can't be with the person you love. So, what's the point of living?

What has became of Marinette?

Cause baby you're the one
And though your everything that
I've been dreamin of
I realize I'm not what you need
you deserve much more
than a girl like me

Nothing sadder than meeting the right person at the wrong time.

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