Claws out reveal Part 1

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This story is adopted from the above video. ENJOY!

Another day at school...

"Class, your homework for this weekend is to do volunteer work anywhere. You will be doing it in groups of four. Is that clear? Now you can choose your group and discuss. See you next Monday!" Ms Bustier announced to the whole class.

"Well, now is the time to hook Adrien and Marinette," Alya thought.

"Alya, who do you want in our group?" Marinette asked. Alya looked at her like she grew two heads.

"What?" Marinette asked, oblivious.

Alya stared at her as she motioned to the two boys infront of them. Marinette blushed, slightly. Even though, more thoughts of Chat noir were entering her head than Adrien. She still blushed. She have been noticing her kitty nowadays, not just Adrien. But how can two boys be in her heart. It wasn't possible. She sighed.

"Fine, Alya. We will ask them," Marinette said hesitantly.

"Boys, would you like to work with us?" Alya called out to them. Alya and Nino were already dating so there wasn't any problem with them.

"Sure babe, dudette," Nino chimed.

"Ok! Are you ok with it Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"Huh? Uh...yeah of course!" Marinette stuttered. Alya smirked at Marinette. Marinette just rolled her eyes.

"So...where do guys wanna volunteer?" Nino asked.

" about the old folks home?" Alya asked.

"No. No. A lot of people will do that... I know! We can volunteer at the pet shop beside the school. All those cuties. The cats, especially. The fluffy ears," Marinette suggested, mostly referring the cuteness to Chat noir.

"Sure! I didn't know you were a cat person, I thought hamsters," Alya asked, teasingly. Marinette huffed.

"Yeah! The idea sounds awesome, Marinette!" Adrien said. Nino just nodded.

"So, how about we meet tomorrow at about 3!" Alya questioned.

"I have to ask, Nathalie. I don't think I have any shooting. I will message you guys!" Adrien replied.

"Sure. Tomorrow at three sounds fine to me," Nino said.

"Yeah, I am free!" Marinette chirped.

"Ok, so I will make a group chat at home. Adrien ask your dad. Me and Marinette will go now. Bye babe, bye Adrien!" Alya said.

Later at home, Alya made a group chat for them.

Name of group chat: Lovebirds

Members: Croissantslover, Reportergurl, Turtleboy, Clumsydesigner

Croissantslover: Wait, why is the name 'lovebirds' ?

Reportergurl: Oh, that's nothing. I mean all of us are lovebirds.

Croissantslover: I get that you and Nino are lovebirds but me and Marinette?

Reportergurl: Ah! Never mind. You will understand one day.

Croissantslover: Ok?

Turtleboy: So what did I miss, guys?

Clumsydesigner: Yeah, what did we miss? Other than Alya's weird group name.

Reportergurl: Omg, Mari. I can't believe you. You are supposed to support me. I am wounded. But anyways are you free, Adrien?

Croissantslover: Yeah, I asked Nathalie and she said I am free!

Turtleboy: Great! Then we will meet tomorrow. Bye, dude, Dudettes.

Clumsydesigner: Ok! Bye guys.

The next day came really fast. Marinette wore her usual pigtails. Adrien came in his limousine. Alya and Nino came hand in hand. They met at the pet shop.

They went inside the shop. "Hello! How may I help you kids?" The owner asked.

"Hi. My name is Marinette. These are my friends, Alya, Adrien and Nino. We are here for a school project. We came here to volunteer. Is there anything we can help with?" Marinette asked with a smile and waved.

"Ah! It is rare these days to see children volunteering in pet shops. I would love some help. Maybe two of you all can brush the dog's fur. And the other two could trim the cat's toenails and you can play with them. Cats especially needs the love and care." The owner said.

"Perfect!" Alya said. "Marinette and Adrien can do the trimming while me and Nino brush the fur. Don't you just love cats, Marinette?" Alya smirked.

"Yeah," Marinette batted her eyelashes and said innocently. Alya just huffed.

"I am ok with it. Plus I am more of a cat person than dogs," Adrien said with his usual smile.

Alya and Nino went inside the dog section while Marinette and Adrien remained at the cat section.

Marinette took a cat with almond brown fur and emerald green eyes, the eyes reminding her so much about her kitty. Adrien took a cat with grey fur and sparkling bluebell eyes. Adrien smiled at it. His father wouldn't have allowed him to come to the pet shop if it wasn't for a school project. So, he had never touched an actual cat before, except if you count Plagg and himself. His father would call it a disgrace to the Agreste name. He was excited. So, the time he touched the cat, he fell in love with it. Marinette on the hand, just love cats. They are just so cute. So the duo just stood there, playing with the little fury creatures in their lap.

"So Adrien, how is everything? We didn't talk that much," Marinette asked, not stuttering. For once, Marinette just wanted to talk to him as just a friend.

"Umm, just the usuals. Studying, modelling, fencing and keeping the Agreste name, like my father wants me to." Adrien said with a huge sigh. He didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Oh Adrien. I am always here for you. And I know you always show a fake smile to everyone. But you don't need to pretend infront of us. Please be open, at least to me, Nino and Alya. We are your friends and your can trust us. You don't have to hide your real self." Marinette smiled at him.

"Yeah, I know. You are a great friend, you know, Marinette? But no one likes my real character," Adrien said, whispering the last part, thinking she wouldn't here it. But she actually did.

"What does he mean by, 'but no one like my real character,'?" Marinette thought worriedly.

"Thanks, Adrien. You are great friend too!" Marinette said cheerfully.

"Anyways, lets trim the cats' nails!" Adrien said, changing the story, feeling better than before.

"Ok!" Marinette chirped.

They took a clipper each. Marinette have never tried trimming a cat's nail before neither have Adrien.

"Hey Adrien, could you show me how to trim a cat's nail? I have never done it before." Marinette asked, politely.

"I have never really done it but I don't want to let her down. I mean how hard is it? I am a cat myself. Maybe, I can cut the nails naturally?" Adrien thought in his head.

"Sure, Marinette! First, you take the clippers in one hand, and with the other hand, you gently squeeze the top and bottom of the paw, just behind the point to get the CLAWS OUT." Adrien instructed, without knowing.

He immediately transformed.

"N-NO WAIT!! I DIDN'T MEAN- ! PLAGG, STOP!!!" Adrien screamed, trying to stop the transformation. Key word 'trying.'

Marinette's eyes widened. Chat noir? Adrien? Chat noir? Adrien is Chat noir. Chat noir is Adrien. Marinette's exe stopped working. She screeched.

"Ummm.....hi?" Chat noir said, awkwardly.

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