Someone like you Part 2

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"Oh and that's not all. Did you here that Adrien became a physics teacher in our old school. He finally stood on his own feet. I mean how long can a boy get tortured by his father. It is so cool. Everyone knows that he didn't want to become a model and take over his father's company. But the surprising thing was that his father was happy for him!" Juleka said.

There was a pang in my heart.

Wait, everyone knew? Why didn't I know that you didn't want to become a model. Why didn't you tell me, Adrien? I thought you trusted me. Maybe you didn't realise then?

You didn't tell me you wanted to become a teacher. You said you hated physics. But why do I not know any of this? I thought we were in this together. I thought you will like it when I say how successful you are.

Who made you like this? You would have a became a famous person but now you are just a physics teacher.

"-gami! Kagami! Are you ok?" Rose waved her hands infront of me.

"Yeah, I am great! I was just thinking. Is that why I don't see magazines of Adrien anymore?" I asked.

Juleka nodded her head.

"Ooh! I am so happy for Adrien. He is so happy right now and also being a great teacher. I mean now he has a great family. His father is really nice to him and Gabriel is even dating Nathalie now. So awesome! What isn't better? I mean he totally shipped his father and his assistant. And now Adrien has a great wife who is looking after him!" Rose squealed. Juleka chuckled at her wife's excitement.

What? Why? My heart just broke, it broke into a thousand pieces.

The pain I couldn't bare. It was like a bullet train. It was like god waiting to punish me.

Waiting to break me. Wife. You have a wife.

A great wife, it seems. My heart it can't take it.

You left me, Adrien. You said that we were meant to be together.

My heart can't live without you. It has been a full piece because of my love and hope that you love me.

But now, you are slowly killing me. I can never be mad at you, Adrien. Never.

I remembered the times we had together but it seems that you forgot it.

I came here for you but you forgot about me.

I heard that you're settled down

That you found a girl and you're married now

I heard that your dreams came true

"Oh! I am glad he is doing well, glad. Who is his wife?" I choked on my tears. My throat dry. My hands cold and shivering. I wish you were mine, Adrien, radiating your heat towards me.

"It is-" Rose started, excitedly.

"Wait Rose hun. I will tell," Juleka said, smirking. Rose huffed. Even Juleka seemed excited.

"It is none other than our good friend, Marinette. I mean they are practically made for each other." Juleka said, happily.

Her? Clumsy, shy Marinette? You are married to her. I am happy for you, Adrien. I am so happy. My face went blank.

"Yeah! I ship Adrienette! They are just so cute. They dated for about four years and Adrien proposed to her. So cute. Their wedding was better. Marinette took over the company and she is now a world-known fashion designer. I am so proud of them." Rose piped.

So, you married to a girl who gave you a life and a heart an it wasn't me. I laughed bitterly. It just hurts, Adrien. Love is supposed to do wonders but all it give me is heartache.

Bittersweet love.

I am proud of you, Adrien. So proud.

But I just wish the girl holding your hand was me.

I wish I was the girl you woke up with.

I wish I was the girl you kissed thrice a day.

I wish I was the girl you raised a child or a few.

I wish I was the girl you love.

You didn’t tell me you liked her. 

You didn’t tell me that I had flaws.

You lied to me that I always be your forever, or maybe I imagined.

I think of you day and night. 

When I wake up in the morning, I think about you.

Before I sleep, you were the last thing in my head.

Why didn’t you tell me?

Was our feelings just a lie?

Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you

Old friend, why are you so shy?

Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light

“I ship them too. Their are perfect for each other,” I lied. It was too hard to tell that sentence. 

Of course, you moved on, moved on from me.

You found someone better for you while I gave you, my hope and light. 

“Could you show me a picture of them?” I asked. I must know if you are happy. Happy without me. 

“Of course! I have a lot pictures of them. They are always the power couple, here. They are just so in love. Let me show you their wedding picture.” Juleka said as she disappeared from sight into her room. 

You are the power couple with Marinette. It should have been me but it is her.

“Here you go,” Juleka said coming out. She handed me a few pictures. I held it in my hands, not looking at it just yet. It will hurt me, won’t it?

I looked at the first picture. You were there with the greatest cheshire grin. You were holding Marinette’s hand, like she was your world. 

You never did that to me. You never smiled like that with me. You never held my hands like that. 

The next picture, your adoring gazing on Marinette as she came down the isle. She was beautiful. I can see why you love her. I was nothing compared to her. She gave you than I could ever.

The next picture, you laughing as you held Marinette delicately bridal style. Your fingertips so smooth. I brushed my hand over your face. 

I smiled at you. You are my best friend and so is Marinette. I am happy for you’ll. The love so true. Bittersweet tears escaped my eyes. 

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Juleka asked, smiling sweetly, seeing my reaction. 

“Yeah. Took Adrien long to realise his feelings for her,” I said, my heart pounding faster as the sentence rolled of my tongue. 

I coming to see you, Adrien. To see my friend one last time. Just one last time and I will be happy. You don’t have see me ever again after that. 

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