Accidental reveal

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"Pound it," the heros ended their fight with their signature move.

"Ok, m'lady. I got to go back to my school. Bye," Chat said as he saluted.

"Bye, Chat," Ladybug smiled she parted.

She has to go back to school too. She spun her yo-yo as she flew towards her school.

Suddenly, she saw dark silhouette flying in towards the school.

"Who is that? Oh my god. I should go and check it out. It could be hawkmoth." Ladybug thought to herself.

She put on firm face as she followed the mystery figure. The figure entered the school. Ladybug quickened her pace. She went closer to the figure to see a familiar face.

"Chat?" Ladybug whispered to herself as looked at him from far.

Chat looked around finding for place to detransform. Ladybug continued to follow him though it wasn't the best or right thing to do.

Chat hid behind a pillar inside the school compound. He looked around to see if none was there. But little did he know that his lady was there watching him. Ladybug made big mistake. She didn't want to know who Chat was but it was to late. He transformed before she could go.

"Plagg, claws in," Chat noir command as bright flash of light engulfed him, leaving Adrien.

The green flash of light was too bright for ladybug that she has to close her eyes. She opened to see a oh so familiar orange sneakers and the memorised t-shirt with turquoise pants.

"What!" Ladgbug freaked out. "What happened?" She thought. Adrien then quickly entered the school. Marinette couldn't take it anymore. She swung towards her house and detransformed in a nearby alley. She quickly walked towards her house.

She opened the bakery.

"Marinette!? What are you doing now? Don't you have school?" Sabine asked as she rushed over to Marinette.

"Oh sorry Maman! I feel a bit sick. That's why I came back," Marinette said. Well, it wasn't fully a lie. She just found out that her kitty and her crush was the same person.

"Oh! Marinette, do you need anything. A blanket? Maybe some homemade soup or porridge?" Sabine started worrying.

"Don't worry, Darling. Marinette can take care of herself," Tom chuckled as she put her hands on Sabine's shoulder.

"Yes Maman. Don't worry about me. I will be in my room. Call me if you need me," Marinette laughed nervously and rushed to her room.

Marinette shut her door and allowed Tikki to come out of her purse. She gave her some macaroons.

"Marinette? Why are you not at school. Weren't you ok before?" Tikki asked as she muched on her macaroons.

Marinette's face turned pale.

"What happened, Marinette?" Tikki looked at her worriedly.

"I found out who Chat noir," Marinette said horrifyingly as she pulled her hair.

"It's about time time you found out," Tikki laughed, shaking her head.

"What do mean, Tikki. It is Adrien. Adrien is freaking Cat noir. And Adrien is my crush. But that means Adrien likes Ladybug which is me," Marinette screamed as she rushed her sentences.

"Don't worry, Marinette. Why are you worried?" Tikki asked, sitting on Marinette's lap.

"No, Tikki. What if he is disappointed in me? What if he only likes Ladybug and not Marinette. He only likes Ladybug, not Marinette, Marinette said, sadly.

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