Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

~Book 4 is posted. Do not look until you've finished this one lol. It has spoilers! Enjoy~

It's been six weeks, Augustus was still unresponsive, he'd wake for moments but he was incoherent and would fall back into his long sleeps. No one could say when he'd be back on his feet again, or when he'd finally wake up. Ivy said he needed immense rest, that Harthan was working hard to get him back and that miracles like this take time. I was just happy so see him alive. To see his skin back to a normal pale color. A doctor comes once a day to pump him with blood, bags and bags of it. I make sure to drop mine in them as well. I thought the familiar taste might help him wake.

"Come down for lunch." Flora poked her head in. I was laid next to my mate, reading the story he had started for me. He was right, Frankenstein didn't feel like a novel of gore or horror, rather one of love, rage, and despair. Emil got me a copy in English and I made sure to follow along with his Italian copy, to decipher which quotes he had underlined. It was my way of being close to him while he rested.

I nodded toward Flora, kissing my mates cheek and picking up his copy of the novel to bring with me. Cordelia jumped down from the bed, following Flora and I downstairs.

"What quotes do you have for me today?" She perked up, grabbing the book. Flora had been sweet about teaching me certain Italian words, and reading me Augustus' annotations.

"He marked this page a lot." I opened to the tab and handed her the book. She scanned the page before smiling.

"What does it say?" I asked eagerly.

"There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand." She smiled as she tilted the book to read his comment by the quote.

"What did he write?"

"I shouldn't have a soul, yet I feel it's phantom presence at work when she's near." She melted as she looked up from the book.

"How do these not make you weep?" She asked exasperatedly. I chuckled at her teary face. She missed her brother.

"They make me happy Flora. Now read another."

"It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another." She quoted another marked place.

"Do you think he thought of us when he marked this quote? Of our family?" She asked me, hope glimmering in her eyes. I nodded.

"It seems like it to me." I smiled and took the book from her. I didn't want to read too much. I liked saving them for each day he was asleep.

I had sent my mother home a week ago, she needed much rest as well. Ivy had to ween her off my fathers love spell. While she was consumed by it she had to face the loss of my father. Her love for him was heightened, meaning the loss was devastating for her. It was hard being with her. I didn't grieve the way she did, so I couldn't comfort her. It made me
miss Augustus. He would have known what to say to her, what to say to me. I felt guilty being relieved when she finally went home, Thea said she would keep a close eye on her for me.

My days were spent reading, playing with Cordelia, and looking through my mates things while he healed in his coma. Not even Harthan could speak to me, too busy trying to keep Augustus alive. There were a few days that Hiram came to visit, asking me my opinion on new Sanction borders. I wasn't sure if he was just being nice or if he actually cared about my opinion. The three Lords thought it fit to split the 5 Sanctions evenly instead of bringing in new rulers, people that couldn't be trusted. I agreed with Lord Hiram, and we actually shared a civil conversation. I think watching me stab my own father for my mate was proof enough for him that I stood by this Kingdom.

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