Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Tilly's POV

The royal home was immaculate, like something out of a renaissance novel. I couldn't even grasp the immense size of the stone structure. Our drive had taken a few hours, my sense of time was lost while sitting next to Augustus. Never once did he fidget or toss in his seat out of irritability or discomfort. He was still as the stone that built his home.

The long drive had the opposite effect on me. I couldn't stop curling my toes in my boots, and my skin felt sticky against the smooth leather seats. I crossed and uncrossed my legs a million times in an attempt to feel comfortable. I caught Augustus' side stare after the tenth time I had peeled my thighs from the leather. He only smiled softly and turned his attention back to his window. I didn't know why I was so sweaty, the Demons up front had the air conditioning set to high. The car was freezing. I found it inconsiderate that they had forgotten there was a warm bodied half human in the backseat.

The Royals lived deep in the woods, as far away from civilization as they could. It took just about an hour to make it up their private drive. I eyed escape routes as we passed through the iron gate to their estate. Their property was lined with a wall of stone, matching their beautiful home.

I always found it odd the undead referred to Augustus as their king. But after seeing where he sleeps, I understand. It was a castle fit for a King.

I craned my neck to study all the greenery, the flowers looked unnatural, each one in perfect bloom, each one a different shape and color. It must have been magic, even I knew it was unrealistic for plants like this to thrive together.

The car came to an abrupt stop, I turned to see Augustus getting out of the car. My door was open before I could even unbuckle. I turned to see him standing there, holding out those cold long fingers for me to take. He had gotten to my door so quickly.

"Come Halfling. I suggest you get upstairs for rest before my family wakes." He motioned his head as if he were coaxing a battered puppy out of its cage. I ignored his icy palm and got out myself. He sighed but didn't rebuttal.

The gravel crunched beneath my boots as I took a couple steps, bringing life back to my numb legs. It was early hours of the morning, the sky was still gray, not yet reflecting the suns rays.

My curiosity got the best of me as I walked along the gravel drive, peering past the enormous home to see a calm pond residing in their lush backyard. King Vercelis lived in a fairytale. Trees and grass as green as can be, not one thing out of order.

"Tallulah." He spoke up. I glanced back to see him standing on the wide rocky steps, waiting for me to come to him. I brushed my hands over my skirt before making my way to him.

"You sleep in my wing. You don't enter my siblings wings. Other than that you are free to roam. The forest is guarded heavily. So running would be idiotic." He started his spiel of house rules before opening the heavy doors. I glanced back to see the two men from the front seat, standing and laughing amongst themselves while smoking a cigarette. They almost looked normal, despite their crisp clothes and ink stained skin. Augustus seemed to pick Demons for his guard strategically.

"You look upon men often." Augustus pulled me from my stare. He eyed me closely before glancing to his men behind me. I smiled. He was a very jealous man.

"They're handsome." I spoke softly before making my way inside. His nostrils flared slightly at my blunt statement. It wasn't a lie. Augustus' men weren't terrible to look at. Yes they were intimidating, but each and every one of them oozed that alluring dangerous feel. They were clean cut and had seemingly perfect posture. Unlike my fathers men.

Silk Skin and Smoke (Age Gap)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz