Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Augustus' POV

"We've had shadow demons there for weeks. We pulled out after the loss of a sanction. But before that happened, we noticed this camp guarded more heavily. It supposedly isn't where Romero is residing, but we have to consider all options. After exposing himself, it would make sense that he wouldn't stay at main camp. This is where we'd hit first." Ryuu circled the point on the print out and placed it in front of Thea.

"Why not split up? A group for each camp?" She narrowed her gaze at him. He sighed dramatically before glancing to Amari. It was something the two of them argued over.

"We lose less lives this way. Attack the camp that Royce resides, the rest will come to us." Amari spoke up.

"Ryuu's main concern is the civilians. If we hit one camp, the others will only send their fighters. Leaving innocent women and children behind. Less carnage this way." I explained further. Theas eyes softened, as if she didn't expect that kind of empathy from us.

"How many are you expecting?" Arlo interrupted, leaning over Thea to glance down at the map.

"With second sanction on their side, I expect they have 3/4 the numbers we do. But with a Lycan alliance we can double their numbers easy. I don't expect this to be a war, it's merely action being enforced before a war can occur." I held Arlo's tense features. It seemed he was the one apprehensive about helping. I assume his mate bond with the peacekeeper was the reason. He didn't want her putting her life in danger. I didn't blame him. I intended on keeping my Tallulah home for the duration of this invasion.

"Numbers don't matter with demons." He clenched his jaw, as if I've tried to trick him somehow.

"You're quite right. Power is what matters." Amari stepped forward, holding his hand out and lighting it with a blue flame.

"The guard is equipped with many." He threw a smirk down to Thea as she watched his flame blaze.

"Amari is correct. Over half the guard is demon. If we align we will strategize according to power. However, I don't intend on giving that knowledge until our contract is signed." I held his hard stare. He glanced down to Althea as she stood, rolling things over in her head. My Lords stared at her expectantly while she shared a few glances to her fellow Alphas.

"There is an event tonight correct?" She suddenly asked me. I nodded through knit brows.

"Then I'll give the decision a day. Come morning we'll have an answer." She went to grab the map but Amari plucked it from her fingers.

"Until that time you won't carry our strategy in your hands." He spoke confidently. She only smiled and nodded before signaling her Alphas to leave. Arlo was glue to her back as she turned to me one last time.

"Your Queen has every right to be present for these meetings." She smiled half heartedly before giving my Lords a once over.

"The staff will show you to your rooms." I informed her before she left. Jake lingered with promising eyes before following her. I trusted that he'd spend tonight's party speaking with his people, urging them to help.

"They let a young teen girl run a whole race?" Hiram snapped toward me. I chuckled softly.

"She is the heir to an important bloodline. They respect her." I told him. I craved that kind of respect. I don't see a rebellion praying for her downfall. Even those she considers enemies will fight by her side.

"We're not here to judge age and gender. It's her pack we want. Her's and the rest." Vincent grumbled as he made his way to my decanter of whiskey. They've been drinking since they arrived. The castle was filled with high, tense energy.

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