Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~This chapter is 11k words. I got carried away writing 😳~

Tilly's POV

I slid from bed quietly. Only touching the floor with the balls of my feet. Augustus was asleep at the end of the hall, I wasn't sure how well his hearing was but I didn't want to risk waking him. It's not like I was breaking any rules. He did say I could see Jake come morning. And the sun had just kissed the sky. I opened my door, cringing at the click against the frame. I held my breath while tiptoeing down the hall, making my way to the living room.

I was almost to the stairs when I felt those familiar cold fingers wrap my arm. Augustus pulled me back, aggressively turning me in his grasp.

"You're not going downstairs dressed like that." He hissed. A rebuttal was on the tip of my tongue but the words collapsed inside my mess of a brain when I took in his state. There was no stopping my trailing graze. He was shirtless, decorative ink stained just about every part of him. I knew he was tall, and I knew he was fit. But his tense form had every contour in his body rigid and defined. He looked as if he was sculpted by an angel. Absolute fucking perfection.

I finally met that serious face. His brows were dark, hooding his black eyes as he furrowed them. He had just woken up, and even his disheveled black hair was perfectly imperfect. I hated it. How can someone so cruel deserve a body and face like his?

"Let me go." I found my courage to snap out of this trance. He tightened his grip on my arm.

"You're not even wearing underwear Tallulah." He seethed. I glanced down to the shirt that hung loose around me. He was right about my attire. It wasn't appropriate. But I've warn skirts shorter than this.

"Well if you didn't throw away my back pack maybe I'd have some decent clean undergarments!" I raised my voice at him. He scuffed and turned, dragging me down the hall. I dug my heels into the rug when I saw where he was headed. His room.

"Stop!" I screamed, trying to throw my weight back. He only dug his fingers in deeper. I could feel the bruise that would form on my arm. He was dragging me to his bedroom. He promised he wouldn't force himself on me, yet here I was, fighting against his grip like a rabid animal and not once was he phased by my struggle.

"I'm sorry. I won't go downstairs." I finally broke, obeying him like he wanted. He laughed but still opened his door. How can someone be so cruel?

"Augutsus I'm sorry, please don't do this. I'm a virgin." My face was red with shame and fear, but he finally let me go. I was too busy staring up at him to take in the fact that I was now inside his room. His brows furrowed.

"Did you think I was going to rape you Tallulah?" He asked, looking just as confused as me. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shirt and cleared my throat.

"Why else would you drag me to your room?" I whispered. He ran a frustrated hand over his face, dragging those fingers through his messy black hair.

"Your wardrobe." He took a deep breath calming the rage he had with me. Maybe it wasn't rage, maybe it was frustration. He seemed bothered with the fact that I had thought he was moments from forcing me down onto his bed. Or maybe it was the fact that I just about screamed and cried at the thought. It was clear now to the both of us that I did not want to have sex with him. If he wasn't aware before he was now.

"Oh." I calmed my heavy heart as well. I finally glanced around his room. It was quite large but packed full of things, his things. Little treasures he's picked up over his lifetime. His black curtains were drawn leaving his room dark as night, only a few warm lamps lit the space. But his bed, was huge. I half expected black satin sheets and half drank glasses of blood on his nightstand. But his sheets were white cotton, and his nightstand held his devices as well as some books. It more so looked like the room of an English professor.

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