Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"How are you feeling about everything Flora?" I blocked the sun from my eyes, peeking at Flora as she lounged. Today was the last free day before guests were to arrive. Penelope thought it necessary to relax on the patio and soak in the calm castle while we still had it.

"I feel okay. When it's a matter concerning my family's safety I'm prepared to fight. There is no room for fear." Both Penny and I were surprised at her answer. I knew Pen was prepared to fight. She had shined her knives just this morning, thinking she'd have to use them on a misbehaving Lycan tomorrow.

I was prepared too. Not only to see my best friend and mom, but to fight. I had been begging Augustus to fight. Amari even offered to take me to his training grounds, but Augustus had turned down the offer, claiming it'd put too much thought into my hope.

His constant rejection and secrets had me feeling further and further away. Conversations seemed to always revert back to his curse. How it needed broken before the invasion. He needed the ability to kill in order to protect himself. I think my reluctance to break it was why he kept his secrets, and kept a me out of decision making. He probably thinks I'm not all the way in, still holding out hope for my father.

"You guys never talk about the Kings curse." I spoke up. If Augustus can bring it up to me so nonchalantly then I'd bring it up as well. Advice from the girls might just be what I need. Penelope remained silent to the subject, but Flora sat up.

"Well is not our curse to talk about Tallulah." She explained.

"But I'm suppose to break it. I think I should hear more about it." I told her. Penny's head snapped in my direction.

"You're going to break it?" She asked abruptly. It was reactions like that, that scared me.

"He needs to protect himself. His curse is holding him back." I breathed.

"My brother can protect himself without killing. He's injured people into comas, he will be perfectly fine." Flora ranted. I opened my mouth to say something but was immediately interrupted.

"It seems to me you'd rather Tallulah not lift my curse Flora." Augustus grit the words through clenched teeth. I quickly stood up with Flora. Her face morphing to fear. She's never outright disrespected her brother like that. And his curse of all things, something he's committed 200 years to break.

"I didn't mean it like that..." she stuttered. Augustus was usually soft on her, but he maintained a harsh scowl, putting Emil's to shame as his eyes clouded with smoke, and his veins pumped that familiar black tar.

"If I ever hear you speaking to my mate in such a way I will end any and all happiness for you Flora. I will show you what it's like being deprived of the things you truly want for two fucking centuries." He seethed. I quickly stood in front of her, shielding her shaking frame from him.

"Do not speak to her like that. Ever again." I snapped at him, holding his demons stare. He faltered briefly, watching me challenge him. It wasn't the first time, but it had been a while. He wasn't acting like the Augutsus I fell in love with. He was acting like a monster.

"Upstairs. Now." He whispered demandingly. I shook my head.

"I'm finally relaxing, something you've been shoving down my throat while you keep your little secrets." I defied him once again. His eyes lit with silent rage.

"Brother. A word." Emil stood in the doorway, calmly asking for Augustus' attention. He held my stare for another couple seconds before turning to his brother. I had a feeling he didn't need anything from Augustus but wanted to calm the current situation. It had been a while since I've fought with my mate like that. For a moment he was the same evil soulless man he was when I got here.

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