Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Tilly's POV

My head was pounding, I rolled over and pulled the duvet over my burning eyes. The sun was already so high in the sky. I must have slept in. Guilt and shame seeped into my stomach. I touched him, he touched me. Oh my god, I asked him to touch me.

"No no no no." I murmured into my pillow. There was no way I could look him in his dead eyes after that. I climaxed on top of him...

Anxiety shook my bones as I felt over the leather collar on my neck. I needed to get this off. I wouldn't have access to my stakes until this was off. They were stuck in the walls and floor.

I sat up slowly, rubbing my tired eyes. I slept hard. Harder then I ever have. It took immense strength to pull the blankets from my body. I needed to cross the hall to the bathroom, not only that but I needed my clothes from Augustus' room. Maybe I could hide in here all day...

The thought soon shut itself down as the urge to pee raked my bladder. I slowly opened the door. Immediately hearing movements down the hall. I peeked my head to see a middle aged woman sweeping up the rice that I was forced to kneel on. She sensed my eyes and looked up. A pleasant smile graced her lips as she stood. She was a curvy woman, with a sweet face and blond silver hair. I smiled back at her.

"King Vercelis left early this morning." She provided the information as if she knew I needed to hear it. I opened the door further and stepped out, eying the rice in her pan. The phantom pain suddenly shot back to my knees. She noticed my discomfort and quickly tossed it in the trash.

"I threw it all out." She promised. I furrowed my brows as she took a step forward.

"When I saw the mess up here I assumed it was your punishment. So I disposed of all the rice in the house. Even the grits." She spoke kindly.

"Why would you do that?" I asked curiously. She went behind her Kings back to ensure he couldn't punish me like that again. Her gaze fell to the collar around my neck. She looked displeased at the sight of it.

"I love my King. But this-" she looked down at the grains in the trash.

"This isn't my King." She whispered. She was bold for even saying it. Augustus would no doubt have her killed for denouncing him in any of his forms.

"Thank you. But don't help me. You'll get yourself killed saying things like that." I warned her. She chuckled and nodded.

"Maybe punished, but not killed. He'd have to face the wrath of Flora. I'm the only person in this house she talks with about her struggles. And Augostino knows that." She wrapped her trash, tying it off before nearing me.

"I found these. I debated on tossing them. They reek of magic. But if Flora trusts you. I trust you." She tugged my tin of mints from her pocket. I sighed in relief and grabbed the small tin. I had thought maybe they were thrown out with my backpack.

"Thank you." I breathed quietly. She nodded.

"I'd like to get your measurements at some point today. I'm ordering the dresses for your debut event." She turned to leave.

"My debut event?" I prodded her.

"Your viewing. The kingdom is curious about their Queen. Especially the lords." She smiled. I was at a loss for words as she retreated down the stairwell. I was no queen. Not to this evil kingdom.

There was no way I was dressing up for a party. To look each and every person in their face and play dress up under their crown. Fuck no. The thought of standing at Augustus' side after we... after I...

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