Chapter 26

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~Two more chapters left. I suggest everyone sit down for this one🖤~

Chapter 26

Tallulah's POV

"Big day tomorrow." Thea sat on the couch next to me. I sighed and nodded. That was an understatement. Hiram's manor wasn't large enough for everyone. I don't even think the castle was large enough for all these people. Witches, Lycans, Demons, Vampires, and even creatures I had yet to meet. So many people that looked to me and Augustus for guidance. He was good at delegating and being a source for knowledge, at giving them confidence in the hours ahead of us. I felt selfish even providing them comfort. My mind was on my mother, my mate and his families safety, and the burden of knowing my fathers demise was soon coming.

"Drink, I've learned that nerves do nothing good for the body before a big fight." Arlo handed me a glass of brown liquor. I thanked him and downed it. Our guard had everyone outside, preparing them for sunrise. Augustus saw it necessary to oversee them along with Emil and the Lords.

"I'm a tad excited." Penny smirked before taking a seat in a large cushioned chair.

"You're excited for bloodshed? And what if one of your mates takes a fall?" Arlo questioned her. She only sneered in his direction.

"I'll be with Jax, I'm to be the only vampire with you Lycans. And my Emil will be with King Vercelis, I doubt anyone can get through them as a pair." She downed her drink and stood to refill it. Arlo didn't like Penelope one bit, Not many did.

"She grows on you." I told both him and Thea. They didn't look convinced. I never thought I'd be the one making that statement.

"What about you? How are you feeling?" Thea questioned me. She looked more relaxed than I thought she would. She showed in athletic clothing, her hair in a low pony. She looked calm and collected, as if she weren't going to risk her life come morning.

"I'm fine." I half lied. She tilted her head as if she sensed it.

"If at anytime it's too hard, you can leave. We have more than enough people. Once you scout you can relay what you find and go. It's your call." Arlo leaned against the couch, trying his best to give me comforting eyes. He was sweet when he wanted to be. He reminded me of Augustus in that aspect. I suspected he was always sweet with Thea.

"Hell you can back out now if you'd like." Jake spoke up before taking the seat beside me. I smiled at his lighthearted attitude, leaning my head back on his shoulder to peer up at him playfully.

"You get to fight with Penny tomorrow." I reminded him teasingly. He tugged my hair before rolling his eyes.

"You two are pretty close for just friends." Thea side eyed Arlo, who had no comment on the matter.

"They always have been." Jax spoke up as he entered the room. They must have been finishing up outside.

"What does Rachel think of your close friendship?" Arlo asked behind his glass of whiskey. He was prodding his friend. Thea slapped his arm for asking such a question.

"I wouldn't know. She has no intention of becoming a Luna. We had a blissful two days but she went back to her life." Jake announced. Everyone was eerily quiet. He never told me about that.

"That explains your excessive hugging of my mate." Augustus walked into the room, narrowing his eyes toward Alpha Vance.

"She'll come around." Thea tried comforting.

"Kidnap her, they always seem to come around when you do that." Augustus smirked.

"Do not do that!" Thea snapped.

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