Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Augustus POV

I was intent on seeing Dominic's land alone. There was no way Romero was the only one behind this. Dominic was an intense Lord, he wouldn't go down without a fight.

I transported to the core of the Sanction. Where most the vendors resided. It was quiet, so utterly silent that I kept my senses heightened. The sanction was dark, stores were dark. Only the buzzing street lamps gave me the ability to see, that and the eternal stars overhead.

The rubble beneath my nice shoes crackled as I made my way to a poultry shop. The lights off but the door unlocked. I let myself in, the chiming of bells overhead filled the space. I walked behind the counter, analyzing each and every thing my gaze landed on. No food left out. The showcase empty. I checked the back of the store, everything packed up as if they anticipated an invasion.

My suspicion grew as I made my way to Dominic's home. His manor slightly larger than Hiram's. The gate creaked as I passed though. I felt I didn't need to step inside his home to know what had happened. Dominic had abandoned his Sanction. His people with him. They turned on their own king, on their fellow people. Every last one of them. I wondered how many willingly went and how many had to be dragged.

I blew off my steaming anger as I sauntered through his vacant home. It was dark, I didn't bother to flip a light. I wanted to feel the emptiness, the hole that Dominic had left. I was good to him, he had fellow lords that called him a friend. Yet he flipped. I knew it from the start but didn't dare let the words grace my lips. Kai had a feeling as well. I saw it in his stare.

"King Vercelis." A young voice piped. I turned, seeing a boy, a teen. His blonde hair shagged and his hand a shaking mess as he held it out to me.

"What's your name?" I asked him abruptly. He shook his head.

"I'm not here to give names. I found these on your queen." He held a small tin box. I reluctantly took it from his shaky hand as I eyed him. It was then that I recognized him. One of the teens that asked Tallulah to rescue their stray cat. Now our Cordelia.

"You swiped these off my mate?" I questioned him? He trembled at my accusation.

"Times are hard. I take anything I can. But these aren't worth much. Just a direct line to her father. I felt you should know. After..." he looked around, taking in the vacant space.

"I just felt you should know she had these." He rambled. Something in him saw the tension in me. He took a step back. Ready to split once my gaze left him.

"Thank you. But don't steal from a royal again." I warned him. He nodded obediently and scurried off. The sound of his quick feet slapping against the road outside.

I took a seat on one of Dominic's couches, shaking the small tin before opening it. Two mints resided inside. Small white mints. The boy must have eaten one and realized what they did. I reluctantly picked one up, inspecting it closely before placing it on my tongue. I wasn't surprised Tallulah had these. I loved her but I wasn't stupid. She arrived in my court with bad intentions, that was obvious.

There was a pressure in my ear, spitting wind through my brain before complete and utter silence.

"Augustus." Romero greeted. He sounded the same. Snide and pretentious.

"Romero." There was a touch of humor to my voice. I couldn't help it. This man has spent almost three centuries trying to snatch my crown. Yet his daughter warmed my bed each and every night. Last night being one of my favorites.

"I hear you're down a sanction." He laced the statement with venom.

"How is my Lord Dominic? I do hope he's enjoying camp life, he can be a real material man." I stood from my chair, awaiting a snarky response.

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