Chapter 1: New to the Edge

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You woke up to your dragon, Navjeev, shoving his head into your side trying to get you up so he can show off what he caught this morning. When you wouldn't get up he roared in your ear. You immediately  sat up and sent a glare to the dragon. 

"Really? This early in the morning, you're doing this now?" You swung your legs over the side of the bed so you were now facing your dragon. He dropped a few birds at your feet with a smile. 

"Yup, I see them. Nice job bud, you can eat now." With your approval, he began eating the birds. You don't know why he does it, but whenever he catches some food for himself he always has to show you first.  

Your first night on Dragons Edge wasn't that bad. Your brother had built you a nice hut and everything. It was much bigger than your room back on Berk. The inside was pretty similar to Hiccup's hut, there was a loft where you and your dragon slept and then the main area where all your other things were.

Your brother asked you to join him and the others at Dragons Edge to help them deal with the Viggo problem. You've never seen him in person, but when ever Hiccup came back to Berk he would usually tell you about what was going on at the Edge. 

You passed Navjeev as he ate and got ready for the day. You put on your normal attire, brushed your hair then did a few other things before leaving your hut. The morning sky was a warm orange color with few clouds and a light breeze. You walked over to the clubhouse to meet up with the rest of the riders and to see what they had planned for the day. If they didn't have anything planned you sure could find something to do. 

As you entered the clubhouse you saw Astrid talking to Fishlegs. You looked around, but didn't see your brother, wonder where he is? Neither Astrid nor Fishlegs seemed to have noticed your arrival yet, so you spoke up. 

"Don't tell me my brother is still sleeping. Isn't he the leader?" They both turned to look at you. 

"He went with Johann to hopefully find out what Viggo is up to now" Astrid answered your first question. Fishlegs nodded beside her. 

"So how was your first night?" Astrid continued. Before you could answer, Hiccup upon Toothless along with Johann flew into the room. Hiccup practically jumped off Toothless, Johann on the other hand, almost fell off the Night Fury. 

"Gather all the Riders in the clubhouse, we got something" Hiccup grabbed a paper from his saddle bag while Astrid ran off to get the others. 

"Not even going to say good morning to anyone? Wow." Hiccup ignored your comments, focusing all his attention to the paper. You walked over to him trying to get a look at what had him so interested. 


"Extra ships on the perimeter, guards  everywhere, catapults and watch towers on the cliffs, dragon root arrow launchers on every sea stack within a half mile." Hiccup along with the rest of the Riders, including yourself, were gathered around the table in the clubhouse as Hiccup explained what was going on. 

"There's no way in or out, period." He finished. You, yourself where trying to see if there was any weak points you all could work with to at least get in without being spotted, but nothing. They had everything well guarded. 

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, think positive." Tuffnut quickly added.

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

"Rapid fire! Mug half empty or half full?"

"Diffidently empty." 

"Don't waste your time."  Ruff said to her brother. 

"C'mon Hiccup, use that big brain of yours and think of something." You poked him on the head and he swatted your hand away. 

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