5. Paid And Taken

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Mention a little about masturbation.

A flower pot fell down and nearly crashed a student's head.

Jun saw it and pushed him away. The frightened boy kept saying thank you to him. He's lucky to avoid a severe head concussion. Or worst, probably death.

Jun only waves his hand, making sure it is no big deal for him. He walks away with hands in his pockets.


Side mission activated! Receive gratitude from students and other people at school.

Jun closes his eyes and lies his back against the wall. He checks the status.

He earned 100 points when Al got heartbroken. Five points from the flower pot guy.

Great! I could buy some skills if I keep collecting points.

Super friendly Jun is born today.

He helps a classmate when he's carrying heavy books to classroom.

A boy from next class falls down. He carries him to infirmary to get his injuries tended.

Bai Yang got worried when many boys are worshipping Jun with their eyes. He never thought he will have many love rivals. After all, Jun looks scary at first impression.

Jun scratches his head when he got another love confession. It's the tenth one in this week.

He comments, "Sorry. No offense. I don't like boys."

Bai Yang is hiding behind a tree. His heart broke apart. He has no chance from the beginning. He laments for his wrong gender.

Why his parents can't give birth to a girl? He is too cute to be a boy.

Jun tilts his head. Something is wrong with Bai Yang. He has been absent minded since yesterday.

He grabs his head and prevents him from ramming it to a pillar.

"Hey! Focus on the road!"


Jun sighs. He hates to interfere with others business. Well, Bai Yang is his roomies. He can't let him gloomy like a walking dead.

"What's wrong?" asks Jun.


"You think I'm a fool?"

Bai Yang stares him with his big eyes.

Cute. Like a puppy.

Jun can't help and caresses his head. If Bai Yang was a puppy, his tail will wag to the sky.

Bai Yang asks, "What's your type? One of my friends asked me."

"Cute. Adorable. Not green tea or white lotus type."

Jun scratches his head. He fell in love with a childhood friend. Got heartbroken and died in the same day.

It felt like another lifetime. He hasn't think about her for ages. Not since his rebirth.

Bai Yang looks downward. He is cute. His parents and friends said it all the time. Just the wrong gender.

He asks online anonymously in forum.

"I fall in love with a straight guy. What to do?"

"Bend him."




"We are floating everywhere without anyone to rely. Bro, bend him. We need more 1."

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