14. Chasing Him

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Aaron is standing on his apartment balcony

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Aaron is standing on his apartment balcony. He got insomnia again. He is staring to people below. Wondering how many night owls down there.

Are they happy? Are they satisfied with their life?

The balcony door is open.

Jeff scolds, "It's already 1 AM. Why you don't sleep yet? "

"Can't sleep."

Aaron is going to smoke when Jeff snatches the cigarette pack away.

Jeff scolds, "You promised you will stop smoking."

"I...I... It's hard to stop..."

Aaron has been smoking outside. Like in his office or in balcony when Jeff isn't home.

Jeff scolds, "You always said a man must keep his promise."

"I know. I'm sorry."

Jeff massages Aaron's nape and stiff shoulders.

"Get some sleep," orders Aaron.

"Uncle, you must live a long life. Quit smoking. I don't want you get a lung cancer and died..."

"Silly! I won't die that easily..."

"Pei! Pei! Pei!"

Jeff just remembered his crow mouth. He hopes he hasn't cursed Aaron.

He asks, "Promise me to stop smoking. Get another hobby. Or a decent boyfriend."

Aaron looks surprised. He never reveals he is a gay to this stinky boy.

Jeff smirks.

He mocks, "Uncle, your eyes couldn't lie. You like tough guy with muscles, don't you?"

"Go to sleep."

Jeff unwraps a lollipop and presses it to Aaron's lips. His uncle takes it with his mouth.

He says, "Quit smoking. Eat some lollipops. I put them in your bag. Take them everywhere."

"Fine. Stop nagging, Mom," complaints Aaron.

Jeff chuckles. He has lived with his uncle since he's ten years old.

Aaron Yin is his father's best friend. He became his guardian after the car crash that killed Jeff's parents.

His grandpa hated Jeff. Always called him broom star. Someone who brought misfortunes to the family.

The old man hated Jeff to his death bed. That's why he's surprised when his grandpa left him 50 millions yuans in his will. Jeff could only attain it when he's 21 years old.

Jeff's parents had been quarreling since he's a wee high.

His father would run off and only return once or twice in a month. Mom would be crying bitterly. Cursing Jeff for being born.

Everyone hates me (end) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant