37. Lost Him

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It's going to be his birthday soon.

Jeff is happy and super nervous. He wanna get laid. Can't blame him for getting excited. He was 27 years old virgin when he died in his last life.

Now he got a boyfriend and probably a good chance to say goodbye to his virginity. Welcoming a good sex life.

They watch sex education videos in private. Not wanting their partner to know about it.

Victor got the gist after watching three videos. He got all the supplies necessary at home. Thanks to Ray, his little brother.

Jeff is kinda worried. Judging from what shown outside, the size might be quite big. He is in big dillema.

Wanting to graduate from a virgin boy. Scared by the size.

Time feels like crawling for both of them.

One month.

Two months.

Finally his birthday arrives.

Jeff got a romantic dinner meal with Victor earlier.

His boyfriend gave him a couple's watch. It got GPS tracker installed. Just like his triangle shaped amulet.

They wash up separately.

Jeff cleans himself up, especially his chrysanthemum. Scrub himself until his skin turns pinkish.

He looks down at his pinkish feet.

Felt like a Concubine preparing for the Emperor's night visit.

Jeff lies nervously in bed. He only has his underwear on. No sexy lingerie. He isn't a woman. Only a quilt covers his body from prying eyes.

Victor has finished washing. His eyes are staring him as if wanting to gobble him up.

A prey in front of a big predator.

Jeff gulps. He closes his eyes when Victor kisses him.

Victor laughs a little bit. His voice is a bit hoarse thanks to the burning lust.

He whispers, "Baby, don't forget to breath."

Jeff smiles. It sounded like a corny speech taken from a cheap romance novel. Maybe Victor got it from reading another online novel.

Victor touches his chin and their lips meet again.

Passionate kisses.

Jeff is panting for air. Victor kisses his bare neck. Jeff shivers out of excitement.

Suddenly his tummy not feeling too well. Maybe too much tension. It's even worst stress than facing University exams.

Jeff tries to hold it on. Ended up with a silent fart.

Victor frowns and he suddenly collapses on the bed.

"Victor? Hey, this isn't funny!"

His boyfriend isn't moving at all. Probably got knocked out by the chemical bomb.

The poisonous gas is swirling around them. Filling up the bedroom. Killing the romantic atmosphere.

Jeff shakes his body.

No response.

This can't be happening! My smelly fart knocked him out...

Jeff tries to shake him up few more times.

System comments,"Call ambulance. His vital signs are dropping."

Jeff dials immediately. His fingers are trembling.

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