35. Win And Win

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Jeff looks at a futuristic town with full interest. It's made from a formation of laser beams. A virtual town. Not the usual miniatures made from papers.

It's his first time visiting Victor's office. It's full of interesting gadgets. It's like visiting Stark industry (Iron man factory) .

Victor explains, "It's my newest huge project. VR wonderland. Unfortunately the project is no go. The locals wanna increase the land price tenfold."

He looks extremely tired due to failed negotiations.

Jeff gives him a good shoulders massages.

I felt bad. He's tired. And he still has to rescue me from awful crews.

It's his fault.

He forgot Remi is infamous for his bad habits. He is a genius director in the future, specializing in thriller and horror movies.

Remi often gives pressures and fright to the actors and actresses. So their actings look real.

Remi and Ryan arrive together. Xiao San, the village chief and doctor also arrive. They must have arranged it before hand.

Victor threatens, "I'm going to sue you all for the emotional damages. You nearly scared Jeff silly."

The Chief sighs. What he feared has come true.

In the eighties, he and a couple of friends retired from showbiz. They were well known stage actors and actresses.

They returned to the village with a big dream. Setting up a school for youngsters to learn acting.

Not knowing stage performers would be dying job in the future. Almost no one comes to learn acting nowadays.

Their land isn't very fertile. Hard to live through farming.

His granddaughter has an idea. To turn their village into prank village.

A grand stage for netizens to pull pranks on friends. Unfortunately the script they got recently was too cruel.

Selling body organs and scared their host's friend silly.

The doctor says, "I will be responsible. No need to sue others."

Xiao San protests, "Father, it was my idea!"

Remi adds, "We are the ones who wrote the scripts. They only cooperated with us."

Victor folds his hands. His face looks cold. His eyes are filled with murderous gaze.

Ryan shivers. This is a predator gaze. They are like helpless preys in his eyes.

Victor mocks, "I could just sue you all. Send all of you to jail."

Remi sighs. Ryan wrote the script. He approved it. They will have bigger responsibilities in this case.

The villagers only acted according to their request. Hopefully their lawyer could save them from imprisonment. Doubt the old Chief could survive jailtime.

Jeff looks at them worriedly. It seems this case won't end well for everyone.

He raises his hand and asks, "Can I speak?"

Victor refuses, "No."

He knows his boyfriend too well. He's a softie with a sly looking face.

Jeff protests, "I'm the victim here. Let me decide this case."

Victor sighs. He hugs Jeff and kisses his forehead.

He whispers, "Don't wrong yourself. Make them pay."

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