33. Cruel People

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Warning : GORE

Remi goes to the deity bear statue after their discussion is over. He takes few pics with his phone. Then he forces Jeff to stand in front of the statue.

He orders, "Look frightened. As if you're going to get eaten alive."

Jeff has to humor the imbecile by acting frightened.

A villager scolds, "Don't ruin our deity with your filthy paws!"

Remi chuckles and kicks the statue with his foot. It leaves a dirty shoeprint.

He mocks, "Ooooh! So scared!"

The villager is almost going berserk. His face is bright red. His hand which is holding a sickle is trembling outta rage.

Jeff apologizes, "I'm sorry, Sir. This guy is an idiot."

He uses his long sleeve to wipe away the shoeprint on the statue.

The villager points the sickle to Remi.

"Beware of the deity's wrath, stranger! You'll be dead horribly!" curses him.

Jeff grabs Remi's hand and forces him to leave that spot. Famous director in the future. Idiot in the present.

Remi laughs as if mocking the superstitious villager. Jeff is holding his breath. Fortunately the farmer leaves without causing any problem for them.

Xiao San looks cute in a traditional outfit

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Xiao San looks cute in a traditional outfit. She's chatting with an old woman. They look close enough.

Jeff tilts his head.

It's odd. We just got here. How come she's already familiar with the old lady?

He follows Remi into the house. The guy is super restless one. He goes out again after taking a pee.

Jeff decides to follow him to prevent him causing more troubles for them.

Remi is walking with Jeff tailing him. Suddenly he stops walking. He gazes up to a nearby tree. He starts climbing the tree.

A handycam is in his hand when he climbs down from the tree.

Jeff asks, "You put a vidcam up there? You aren't afraid it might get broken?"

"Not me. I thought I saw something shiny up there. Someone else left it there."

He turns on the handycam. Ran out of battery.

Remi says, "I'll recharge it. This is great. At least we got a spare vidcam now."

Finally he returns back to Village Chief house. Nothing important happened afterwards. Just a simple dinner and then sleeps.

Jeff couldn't sleep. He feels something is poking inside his pillow. He strips the cover. There is an ID card in it.

Strange. Who left this here? Maybe a villager?

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