10. We Meet Again

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Jeff yawns. He is sleepy. He has been shooting for sixteen hours straight. Too many NGs from female lead side.

He wished the actress was more capable in acting. Not just slept with the director.

Pretty but brainless. It's a good thing I'm a gay. No need to handle a woman like that. Heh, people would say I'm sexist if they knew. Well, I only like smart women. As my colleagues.

His agent squints his eyes. This is a hella of banquet. All the big fish in the entertainment industry are attending this party tonight. From famous movie director, rich producers to film emperors and empresses.

As CEO of Xing Hai Entertainment company, Jeff is required to attend this party.

Jerome says, "I got few new scripts for you at the office. Pick one."


There is a commotion ahead of them. Jeff raises his wine glass and takes a sip.

It seems someone famous just walks into the door. Everyone flocks toward him like bees attracted to a sweet flower.

Jeff doesn't care about it. Probably a super rich producer or a beautiful actress.

Jerome stares at his glass. He takes a sip and frowns. Cheap wine. Maybe the organizer embezzled the fund.

Jeff suddenly feels cold. He looks ahead and someone is glaring at him. A total stranger. He seems a bit familiar. Maybe he met him before.

He rises his glass and proposes a toast to him. Underage like him could only drink apple juice. The stranger frowns deeper. As if he wants to eat him alive.

Jerome stares at Jeff. When did his actor know this young billionaire?

Victor Qin turns his body and walks away. That shameless man is wearing his expensive suit. The one he threw away. It fits Jeff to a tee. As if it was custom tailored for him.

Jeff looks bright and charming in the suit. Like a handsome young businessman.

He tastes some foods and decides to eat only the ones he likes. He meets few acquitances from showbiz so he chats with them.

Most people here ignored him. As the owner of a run down Entertainment company, talking to Jeff isn't profitable.

Victor Qin escapes from the suffocating party. He goes to second floor.

Only people close to the manor owner could come here. Few bodyguards are guarding at the staircases. Not allowing unwanted guests upstairs.

His little brother, Ray smirks. He holds this banquet tonight to mingle with people from entertainment business.

Victor is emitting cold aura again. He must be irritated. No one could get close to him. A walking air conditioner. That's what people called behind his back.

Ray shakes his head. Wondering if his icy brother will find a destined one someday.

His big brother was a child prodigy. He used to be a normal little boy. One day he became a different person after recovering from an illness.

Victor made excellent computer programs, even shocked his professor at his old almameter. He finished his study abroad at the age of 18.

Prof. Victor Qin.

Well, he never puts the title in his name.

Ray is a programmer too. Although he is just a normal one. He built his game company with Victor's aid.

This year he is going to make a movie based on a popular game.

Ray notices Victor doesn't look right tonight. As if something has agitated him. It's strange. Hardly anything ever fascinated him.

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